“No, I am not. Do you think three cans of coffee is enough?”

“Add one can to the list.” Willa sighed in resignation, standing back up. “You know, if you need to talk, I’ll be more than happy to listen.”

“Thank you. You’re a good friend.”

Ginny was aware her friend thought she was a full-fledged Coo Coo bird. She didn’t care she was determined to win her battle with Gavin. The last two and half months had both Gavin and her engaged in a battle of wills to see who would break first. She was just as adamant about getting him to realize there was a part of him hurting as he was to get her to admit she was pregnant. Internally Ginny gave a frustrated sigh. Gavin’s nickname shouldn’t have been Reaper it should’ve been Stubborn Ass. How he could be so caring, thoughtful, and protective toward her, then be a blind ass where his own welfare was concerned drove her insane. No wonder everyone in the club, Trudy, and her friends thought she was just as Coo-Coo as Willa.

The battle of will she had gone on longer than she expected. But with Silas’s encouragement, she stuck to her guns. Her sympathy was running out the bigger her belly was getting. She was so angry at Stubborn Ass, she would’ve been happy if he just walked a quarter of a mile toward her, but now she was going to make him walk two.

Ginny continued working on the grocery list as she imagined Gavin walking those miles … would it be petty of her to make him walk them barefoot?

Willa started unloading the dishwasher before filling it with the lunch dishes. “How’s the house going? Were you able to get the plumber out there?”

“No. He had an emergency call and rescheduled for Monday.” Ginny felt the disappointment today just as keenly as she felt it yesterday. She was more than ready to get their house finished. The more they tried to rush things along, the more setbacks had come knocking on their door.

It had done nothing but freaking rain in the last two months. After they had the roof and the structure completed, they ran into one hitch after another when they’d inadvertently hired a flake to do the drywall and had to have three rooms redone. Numerous issues with the house inspectors delaying appointments and the kitchen cabinets that she had set her heart on were on backorder, it had Ginny thinking it would be another two months before they could move in.

Ginny smiled when Lily and Beth came in the back door shaking the snow off their coats.

“I’m ready for summer,” Beth complained, taking her hat off over the plastic mat by the door. Taking Lily’s coat, along with hers, Beth went to hang their coats on the pegs in the pantry.

“Aren’t we all,” Ginny agreed glumly.

“I’m not,” Lily said. “This is my favorite time of the year.”

Ginny smiled, her despondency lifting. She had enjoyed working with Lily, Beth, and Willa, all three pulling kitchen duty the same week.

Ginny finished the supply list, then volunteered to make the frosting for the cake Willa was making.

“Shade decided who’s going to be promoted to fill Jewell’s position at the factory?” Willa asked as she measured out the ingredients for the cake.

Ginny looked over her shoulder at Willa. “Is she tired of being the manger?”

“It’s not that she’s tired of being the manager; she decided to go to work for Arin. Jewell is originally from Ohio, so she’s ready to move back,” Willa explained.

“Shade hasn’t decided,” Lily volunteered the information. “He will go back to doing it full-time until he decides.”

“When is she leaving?” Ginny asked casually.

“Not for a couple months. I’m dreading her leaving. I’m going to miss her.”

Willa poured the batter into the cake pan. “Me, too.”

The frosting ready, Ginny placed a lid over the bowl for Willa to use when the cake cooled. “Is there anything else I can help with?”

“No, thanks. I think we have it under control.” Willa smiled.

“I think I’ll visit Winter and Aisha before it gets dark.”

Going into the main room, Ginny took her coat out of the closet, then retraced her steps back to the kitchen.

“Ginny …”

Putting on her coat, Ginny caught Lily and Beth sharing a quick glance before Lily spoke.

“I have a thicker jacket that would be … warmer, if you want it?”

“No, thanks. This one is fine. I won’t be gone long if Gavin asks where I am.”

Leaving through the back door, Ginny held the front of her jacket closed. She had busted the zipper out of it yesterday when she went to the new house to be there when granite installers arrived.

The side path beside the club was free of snow and ice, as well as all the paths that led to the various houses within steps of the club. Viper was fanatical about them being cleared in case Winter came to the club or wanted to visit one of the other wives.