Walking around the bed to the opposite side, his eyes met hers. His hand went to the heavy end of his belt and he jerked the already loosened belt from his pants.

Ginny couldn’t take her eyes off Gavin as he laid the belt in front of her face on the bed, then began removing his pants to fold them before laying them on top of his hamper.

Sauntering back to where she was, Gavin leaned over her back without placing his weight on her, despite their skin touching. Ginny could feel his hard cock nestle between the crack of her ass.

“I am not a jealous man, Nymph,” he whispered in her ear. “But I am a possessive one. I’m not PBS; I don’t give other men free shows of what belongs to me. You knew if I didn’t let you wear that black dress on Sherguevil Island, I wouldn’t want you wearing what you are tonight, didn’t you?”


“I don’t care whose bright idea it was to wear it, only that you did. Big mistake, Ginny. Big.” Gavin moved his mouth to the curve of her throat, sucking the flesh.

Ginny’s pussy clenched, renewing the fire within that hadn’t been put out.

Gavin wrapped his arm around her waist, then moved it up her chest between her breasts to her shoulder taking her weight off her arm.

The longer he sucked on her neck, the hotter she got.

“Gavin …,” she moaned.

Ginny felt his cock move between her thighs to slide in her damp pussy. Driving his cock in with strong thrusts, Ginny gasped at the force he was using. If he hadn’t braced her, she would have fallen onto the bed.

Pushing back against him, they developed a rhythm that had her pushing her butt back at him as he slammed forward. Gavin started a wildfire that had another orgasm rolling through her.



“All you have to do is tell me what you want.”

“Don’t stop!”

Her feverous desire stroked higher, building into a conflagration that had her abandoning the idea that there wasn’t a chance in hell of winning this game. When Gavin played, he played to win.

“Time.” Gavin placed her facedown on the bed, sliding his arm out from underneath her.

Ginny then heard the shower start and him calling her name. He was already in the shower with the water coursing over his body.

“Remove your sling and come inside.”

Setting the sling on the sink, Ginny stepped inside the shower.

He washed her meticulously, then moved her under the spray to remove the silky bubbles.

Gavin leaned on the side of shower wall, facing her. “Suck my dick.”

Ginny didn’t move. Gavin never let her touch his cock.

Opening the shower door, she started to get out.

“Are you quitting the game?”

Ginny turned back to him. “You don’t want me to touch you.”

“I don’t ask for what I don’t want. Suck my dick. I have fifteen minutes left. If you don’t make me come in that time, when it’s my turn again, I’m going to fuck you in your ass.”

Ginny went down to her knees.

“I’ve never done this before.” She observed every detail of Gavin’s reaction as she softly grasped his cock as if it were a fragile glass that would shatter if handled too roughly.

“Cover the head with your mouth.”

Obeying him, Ginny watched him, waiting for him to jerk away or be told to stop.

Gavin burrowed his hand through her hair, pulling her mouth off his cock. “When you have a sucker in your mouth, do you think when you suck it or do you just do it?”

She moved her mouth back to his dick. Relaxing when Gavin didn’t jerk his hips away from her, Ginny moved closer to him. As she sucked on his cock, Gavin twisted her hair around, pulling her closer to him. Watching Gavin as she sucked on him was a picture of erotic beauty. The turgid length of his cock, the bulging veins, the taste, it all had been an unknown mystery to her. When his hand went to the other wall to brace himself, he revealed he was close to his orgasm.

“You have two minutes left.”

Removing her mouth from the head of his cock, she licked her way from the top, delicately flicking her tongue before covering the head again.

“Take your mouth off.” The expression on his face was one she was familiar with; Gavin was getting ready to come.

Refusing to remove her mouth, Ginny led him down the same path of bliss that he had taken her down. The incredible elation it gave her to pleasure Gavin this gave her a sense of intimacy that she hadn’t felt before. The water showering down on her disguised the drops of tears that managed to escape through her tightly closed lids. The trust Gavin was giving her was the prize she had worked so hard to attain. When he finished, she lovingly placed gentle kisses on his each of his hips trailing her lips over the tattoos, marking his sleek body.