“Like what?” Reaper stopped pacing in front of him.

“Could it possibly be that the root of your problem isn’t with Ginny’s religious views but what’s going on in the bedroom?”

“Huh?” Reaper stared at Lucky, thinking he misheard the brother.

“The sexual problems Ginny and you are having,” Lucky clarified.

Reaper was confused at the direction their conversation had turned. “We don’t have any sexual problems. I’m the father of her child. It wasn’t an immaculate conception.”

“I didn’t think it was.” Lucky relaxed his stance, his voice becoming more understanding. “Ginny wanted to talk to me yesterday for two reason; one I could help her with. She is angry at God on your behalf.”

“Join the club,” Reaper said sarcastically.

“Reaper, Ginny’s faith is very important to her.”

“Were you able to help her?”

“I believe so.”

“What was the other problem? The one you couldn’t help her with?”

Lucky dropped his gaze to his shoes. “Ginny believes her inexperience is the reason she can’t get your … motor running.”


“Your dick.”

“I know what the fuck you were referring to. My dick is working fine. I don’t understand.”

“She says you don’t let her touch you, which is why she thinks she’s doing it wrong.”

“What in the fuck did you tell her?”

“I suggested she ask some of the women here.”

“You didn’t.”

“Would you have me give her the advice she was searching for?”

“No. Which woman was she going to talk to?”

“None of them. Ginny was afraid they would say they had been with you and she didn’t want that picture in her head.”

“So, who in the fuck did she ask? Willa?”

“She was going to, but I nixed that idea. By the way, you owe me for that one, brother. Miss Adventuresome isn’t Willa’s strong suit.”

Reaper looked heavenward. You just had to screw me over again, didn’t You? he blamed the man upstairs.

“Sex Piston had a slumber party last night. Don’t fucking lie to me that she didn’t tell them I have a problem getting a hard-on.”

“I’ll take that bet for a hundred.”

“You don’t think she did?”

“No. I think it was one of the brothers.”


Lucky’s gave him a sympathetic nod. “From my understanding, that was the plan. She wanted a male’s perspective.”

Reaper reached behind his back for his gun, handing it to Lucky.

“Why are you giving me your gun?”

“Who was the one who gave Ginny sex advice?”

“I don’t know. She took off before she told me. I tried to give you a heads-up, but I couldn’t find you.”

“You didn’t think my woman going to one of the brothers to talk about our sex life was worth a phone call?” Reaper shouted in frustration.

“I felt it would be better if I told you in person. You been kinda off the wall lately where Ginny’s concerned.”

“I wonder why! She’s as looney as Daffy Duck on crack.” Reaper raked his hand through his hair in irritation, then dropped his hand when he saw Lucky watching him humorously. “You think I’m joking?” Reaper raised his hand. “See this? She’s making me lose my hair!”

Getting no sympathy, Reaper resumed pacing again.

“What I want to fucking know is how Shade and Rider fucking screwed up their intel on her. I should have been warned! She doesn’t have a lick of common sense, and brother, if she isn’t ADHD, I’ll kiss your fucking ass. If she talks to someone twice, somehow, miraculously, they’re family. She smiles at every man, regardless of age, as if they hung the fucking moon. Do you know how many fucking kids she wants?” Shouting his rants about Ginny, he paced back and forth across the room.

Giving a low cough, Lucky covered his mouth. “No. How many?”

Reaper moved to the end of the room. “You sick?”

Lucky lowered his hand. “No, I’m good.”

Reaper eyed Lucky suspiciously. “You think this is funny?” he roared. “She wants a gazillion kids. Brother, I’m old. I’m getting older the more time I’m around her. The way I’m going, I’ll be bald in two months.”

“I don’t see the problem. Just shave the other half off,” Lucky suggested.

Reaper gave him a pained glance. “I can’t. Ginny runs her hands through my hair. I like it.”

“I offer premarital sessions for parishioners. I can make an appointment.”

“Fuck you. You think I’m going to take martial advice from you? No, thanks. I can’t fit in those leather pants, and I am for fucking sure not pretending to be a fucking pirate.”

“Really? You really want to go there?”

Reaper wanted to smashed his booted foot on Lucky’s cocksure grin.

“My wife isn’t the one running around, finding out how to satisfy me. Willa is a deeply religious person, who also has the misconception that she isn’t as physically appealing as other women. Playacting gives her the opportunity to be naughty without feeling like she’s sinning. Plus, I seem to remember a few times you didn’t mind playing a few games when you fucked your way from one state to the next when you came out of the service.”