Viper, Dalton, and Knox turned at Gavin’s sudden movement, registering what was going on and edged to different sides of the car, coming toward her.

“Don’t fucking move, or I’ll blow her fucking brains out!” the gunman behind her shouted, seeing what they were trying to do.

“Dude, let her go, and you can get in the car and leave. None of us will stop you.” Gavin raised his hands in the air as he squatted, placing his guns on the grass. “You can drive out of here, or you can be carried out on a stretcher if you hurt her.”

“Make them drop their guns and let the others go, and I’ll think about it.”

Ginny felt the gunman gaining confidence as he pressed the gun harder to her temple. “Careful,” Ginny warned. “You don’t want to hurt your only way out of here.”

“Bitch, shut the fuck up.”

Ginny cringed when the gunman pressed his cheek against hers.

“Hurry the fuck up. I don’t have all fucking day. Make them—”

A sudden explosion had Ginny screaming, thinking the gunman had shot her since the sound was so close to her.

Falling backward with her arm still twisted behind her back, her eyes wildly went to Gavin, wanting to see him one more time before she died. The excruciating pain in her arm had her releasing another scream as she found herself laying on top of the gunman who had pulled her down with him.

“I’ve got you, Ginny. Stop screaming.”

Ginny felt herself being lifted into Gavin’s arms before he placed her on the hood of the car. She took shuddering breaths, moving her chest away from Gavin’s.

Sitting on the car, Ginny reached for her arm, nearly blacking out from the pain. “My arm …”

“Train!” Gavin bellowed.

“Move, Reaper. Let me see her.”

Gavin moved to the side as he gently placed his hands under hers as she cupped her arm.

Greer slid in to take Gavin’s spot, reaching out to touch her.

“No. Don’t touch me!” Ginny turned more toward Gavin, blocking Greer from touching her. His haggard features had her shaking her head at him. “I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt.”

“Then why were you yelling your head off?” Greer pointed out.

“Because I thought I was dead. What happened?” Ginny looked at the group of men who had gathered around her.

“I shot the motherfucker,” Greer said complacently. “I was sitting in the Escalade behind him. Blew the windshield out of my new vehicle. Guess I’ll be taking one of the others.”

“I’m confiscating those vehicles for the sheriff’s office.” Knox’s face went bloodred as he disputed Greer’s claim.

“Bullshit. I give it two days before they’re parked in front of The Last Riders’.” Leaning against the car, Greer placed his hand on the hood, then gradually started inching toward her as he talked. “You can have two, but one is mine for me doing my civic duty.” Greer snorted.

“Stop it, Greer,” Ginny demanded, seeing what he was trying to do and scooting away from him. “Gavin can drive me to the hospital.” Ginny reached out to place a fingertip onto his cheek. “You can’t help yourself, can you? That’s why you’ve been so fanatical about getting everyone in town vaccinated, because you didn’t trust yourself not to break and then heal them if any one of them got sick.” Ginny’s lips trembled when Greer let his guard slip and she was given a rare insight of the man within. “How many have you already healed?”

Greer turned his head away to tug his loose britches up. “I ain’t—”

“Greer, don’t lie,” Ginny said softly. “You’re skin and bones, and your hair is getting greyer every time I see you.”

“Holly ain’t the best cook in the county—”

“I’m not buyin’ it.” Ginny shook her head at him. “Thank you for trying. You took my pain yesterday. Let Train and Dr. Price fix me today. Give yourself a break. The rate I’m going, I’ll probably need you tomorrow.”

“Let me see her,” Train said from behind Greer.

Greer didn’t immediately step away. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.” Ginny leaned forward to place a light kiss on Greer’s cheek. “Holly’s a lucky woman.”

Greer gave a shit-eating grin. “I tell her that all the time. Going to invite you to dinner so you can tell her yourself. She don’t believe me when I tell her.”

Ginny gave Greer a misty smile. “I think she does, Greer. I really thinks she does.”

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Train set his medic bag on the hood when Greer moved away. “Sorry, brother.” Train carefully began examining her arm. “I got distracted, and she slipped out of the house.”

“What was so damn important that you came outside?” Gavin grumbled by her side.

Sheer willpower kept Ginny from flinching away when Train slowly tried to straighten her arm. “I was getting Trudy her pot stickers—”

At a curse behind Train, Ginny poked her head around him to see Dalton.