“Fuck,” he swore when an older woman came out onto the sidewalk with two leashed yapping dogs. Unless he slowed, he was going to mow the old woman down.

Spotting him, the woman froze like a deer caught in headlights.

Veering to the left, Reaper strained to give a burst of speed to jump over the two dogs, nearly busting a nut when one of the dogs rose up on its hind legs to snap at him. Landing on the concrete, Reaper sprinted forward, coming to the end of the street. Veering left, he took off at a mad dash toward Dalton and T.A.’s house.

Reaper was running so fast that he didn’t think he could run any faster—until he heard a series of pops fill the air.

“Shit.” Crossing the street, he put himself on the same side as Dalton’s house. Jumping over a low hedge, he ran across one lawn, then had to take another leap over another hedge before he was at the house next-door to Dalton’s.

Taking cover behind a tree, Reaper fired off a shot at a man standing behind the passenger door of one of the Escalades parked behind Sex Piston’s car.

Sex Piston, Killyama, and Fat Louise were hunkered down in front of Sex Piston’s car in front of the garage. Killyama had a gun and was returning fire at the two Escalades that had parked catty-corner, providing a shield to the men who were shooting at the women.

Satisfied the fucker who he shot was down for the count, Reaper took out his phone to call Dalton.

Hearing the click of the phone being answered, Reaper didn’t time to listen to the greeting. “Open your garage enough to let the women slide under. I’ll provide cover.”

Seeing an opportunity to take out another fucker who had raised his head over the engine block, Reaper made the shot as the garage door started raising high enough for the women to slip through.

“Go!” Reaper yelled.

Fat Louise went first, with Sex Piston going under after her.

Reaper had to contain himself from shouting at Sex Piston when she crawled back out to reach for the pizza box that was laying on the driveway before slipping back under the garage door.

Killyama made no move to follow the other two women.

He was ready to lose his shit. The only thing calming his impeding tirade was seeing Drake and King take positions behind the house across the street.

“Killyama, go!” Reaper shot again, taking down one of the shooters from the second Escalade.

“You go!” she yelled back. “I’m not—”

Reaper jerked his head back behind the tree when he saw a gun pointed in his direction from behind the Escalade in the driveway.

“Get your ass in the garage, or I’m coming over there and throwing your ass in there!” he roared.

King and Drake provided a volley of bullets, giving Killyama time to escape, which she refused to take.

Sticking his head out long enough to get a visual, he saw one of the men break cover to get away from where King was firing. Reaper nabbed him as soon as he came out from behind the vehicle.

Looking back at the house, he saw Dalton slide under the garage door with a gun in his hand. From his angry expression, he was telling Killyama the same thing he had.

Finally, Killyama angrily slid under the garage door as Dalton and his eyes met. Then Reaper heard the garage door going down.

Dalton lifted four fingers, then pointed to his side, indicting the number of men he couldn’t see. He lifted his hand two more times, indicating to Gavin there was a total of twelve men.

The roar of motorcycles and sirens coming down the street had the men scattering into neighboring yards. Raising his hand so Viper would sight him behind the tree two houses away, Reaper went back to firing as one of the gunmen tried to make a dash for the tree across the street. Reaper neatly shot him in the back of his head.

Viper, Cash, and Shade formed a sideways line with their bikes with the other Last Riders following suit behind them, preventing the Escalades from leaving—unless they plowed down fifteen bikes. Reaper could hear Viper issuing commands from where he stood behind the tree.

“Nuts to Bolts behind the Dodge,” Viper ordered.

The Last Riders left their bikes to sprint toward a Dodge minivan. In groups of three, the men crouched together, with Cash and Viper standing on opposite sides near the taillights.

“Train, go!” Viper sent off a volley of bullets.

Train and two of the men on his line took off running toward Dalton’s house. The three men who crouched behind Train’s line moved forward, as did the men behind them, all in unison. When Train’s foot hit the doorstep, the door opened, giving them entry into the house.

Reaper steadied his hand, firing as he ran to Sex Piston’s car to hunker down next to Dalton. He no longer had to keep his focus on the house with Train, Moon, and Rider inside with the women.