“Like what?”

“Like us not using protection. I’m not on birth control, and we’ve never used condoms. I haven’t had the opportunity to take care of it with me leaving the day after our first time together, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask to see one of Allerton’s doctors or ask for condoms.”

“Ginny, I—”

“Don’t worry,” Ginny hurried on. “I got my period this morning, so we’re all good. I also made an appointment with Dr. Price tomorrow morning, so after that, we’ll be set to go once I’m off my period.”

Seeing his poleaxed expression, she lowered her head to tuck the towel tighter around her. Damn, why was Gavin looking so shell-shocked? Was the possibility of her not being pregnant that big of a relief to him?

“Was that what you were worried about last night?”

“Yes.” Ginny gave a nod of her head. “Do you mind? I’d like to get dressed.”

Gavin went to the bathroom closet to take out a towel, then wrapped it around his hips.

Holding his stare, Ginny smiled at him. “I won’t be long.”

Striding closer to her, he gave her an inflexible stare. “There’s something I should tell you.”

Ginny looked at him questioningly.

“But fair is fair. I’m going to be as honest with you as you were with me just now.”

Walking past her, he left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving what he wanted to say unsaid.

Damn … he was such big jerk.

She pressed her hand to her stomach. She had known it was too early to tell if she was pregnant, but Ginny had imagined seeing their baby in Gavin’s arms. This morning when she went to the bathroom, she cried. Then she’d called Dr. Price’s office before she left the bathroom to go downstairs to keep herself from dwelling about the loss of a child who had never existed. She bet he was doing summersaults in the bedroom, out of her sight. She should have been the one doing summersaults, Ginny thought crankily. He was the one who was a big jerk.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Ginny jumped off the third step from the bottom of the stairs outside the clubhouse and into Moses’ waiting arms.

“I missed you!” Ginny exclaimed cheerfully, turning to Silas when Moses set her back on her feet. Her good mood vanished once she got a good look at her brother.

“You look terrible!” Ginny gasped.

Silas gently lifted her chin to look at her accusingly. “Doesn’t seem as bad as I expected. Either Greer healed you more that he should have, or you’re getting better at putting makeup on.”

Ginny hugged her big brother to her. “A little of both,” she confessed tearfully. “Is that what’s wrong with you, it’s because of me?”

Silas hugged her back, lacking the strength he usually held her with. “I’ll be as good as new in a few days. Just do me a favor and keep out of trouble for a couple of weeks. Give me time to get my strength back before you do more skydiving off waterfalls.”

“I’m sorry. I knew what I was doing. You shouldn’t have wasted your strength.”

“Old habits die hard. I’ll always be there to catch you.”

Tears brimmed her eyes. “You need someone in your life to look after so you’ll quit worrying over us.”

“Doesn’t matter who enters my life; I’ll never stop watching over my family.”

Ginny laughed, releasing him. “I’ll remind you of that when she comes.”

A faraway look entered his eyes. “It won’t be this year, maybe next.”

Ginny wanted to tell Silas whoever his soulmate was, she worth waiting for, but she didn’t have to tell him. He already knew. The waiting was torture, and Silas had been waiting longer than she had. When you were lonely and just wanted someone to cuddle with, each year seemed like an eternity.

Moving to the side, Ginny realized she had been so focused on Moses and Silas that she hadn’t noticed Suki had made a beeline for Gavin. The excited dog was jumping up and down waiting to throw herself into Gavin’s arms. Bending down, Gavin rubbed her fur, smiling at the dog’s exuberant behavior.

Moses went to his truck, reached over, and then placed a heavy bag down by the front wheel. “I brought you a bag of dog food to tide you over until you can get to the store.”

“Give me five, and I’ll get you a check,” Gavin said, straightening.

“Don’t worry about it. We’re just happy Ginny’s home.” Taking a bundled cord out his pocket, he gave it to Gavin. “It’s Suki’s leash and collar. I brought her over several times while you were gone to get her familiar with the surroundings and to show her the boundaries. She’ll stay in the backyard if you let her outside alone. Suki won’t go past Razer and Shade’s house, nor will she go past the front or the sides.”