“Puck wouldn’t have shot Killyama. He was right; you shouldn’t have touched him when he was going for his gun. My issue with him was him raising his voice at you. It was also a lesson for everyone in the club not to do the same. I’m pretty sure you’re going to get on their nerves before we can get our house built. And lastly”—Gavin moved closer to her, sliding the cloth around her hip to the front of her waist, the movement pressing her back against his chest. There wasn’t a time that his touch, however innocent or sensual, failed to bring back the excitement she had felt the first time she stroked his jaw—“when I’m done with Allerton, he’s going to pray for death.”

Ginny turned in his arms to circle his neck. “Wild man, relax and let the FBI finish the job.” She ran her hand over his tattooed shoulders, luxuriating in the feel of Gavin’s skin under her palm. “We’re safe and sound at home.” She could feel the coiled tension in the muscles that rippled under his flesh as if he was holding himself back.

“You haven’t told me you love me today.” Gavin jutted his jaw out like a three-year-old ready to have a hissy fit.

Ginny feathered a kiss over his heart. “I love you.”

He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I don’t want you cooking and cleaning while you’re staying here.”

Her lips trembled over his skin at his arrogance. “I will help out whenever I see the need. I thought that was the rule, and everyone has to help out if they live here?”

Her head was tilted back as Gavin wound her ponytail around his fist.

“You don’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I said you don’t.”

“I’ll go insane without anything to do.”

“Then use the opportunity to write songs.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do,” she agreed, tracing his nipple with her tongue.

Gavin stared down at her suspiciously.

“You looked very handsome this morning. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen you in anything other than black. The grey”—Ginny ran her hand down his slick arm—“shows off your tattoos.”

“Puck has a lot of tattoos.”

Ginny rubbed her breasts on his chest as she started to lick his other nipple. “Does he? I didn’t notice.”

The washcloth hit the shower tiles as Gavin grabbed her waist to lift her up so her nipple was within reach of his mouth. “Tell me to suck your nipple.”

If she wasn’t wet enough in the shower with the water spraying down on her, his demand had her insides clenching in want. “Suck my nipple.”

She felt her nipple sucked into Gavin’s mouth, and goosebumps spread across her body when his tongue played with the tight bud.

“Gavin, I’m only guessing …,” she managed to get out between the rapid beating of her heart, “that I’m higher than two inches off the ground.”

His sensual mouth curled over her nipple. “I’m making an exception. I’ll catch you if you fall.”

She couldn’t help but stare at his masculine beauty. Gavin was so beautiful that it sometimes hurt to freaking look at him. There was no way on God’s green earth that she would be able to hold onto him. He was a twenty on a scale of one to ten, and she was a solid five. This glorious man was meant for greater happiness than she would ever be able to give him, no matter how hard she tried.

Last night, when he had taken such care of her by drawing her a bath, wrapping her gently in the towel, and blow-drying her hair, his efficient movements signaled he’d done it before. Many, many times. Gavin knew a woman’s body like the back of his hand.

Switching breasts, Gavin caressed her nipple before drawing it inside his mouth. “Tell me you want me to fuck you,” he demanded.

Ginny felt as if the water had gone ice-cold.

Slightly withdrawing her breast from his mouth, she gave him a grin she didn’t mean. “Silas will be here in ten minutes. I don’t want to keep him waiting.” Wiggling herself down his body, she picked up the washcloth to finish washing herself. “You’re going to have to take a rain check.” Giving a slight laugh, she wrung out the cloth, then hung it over the metal bar to the side of the shower. Opening the door, she reached for the towel she had laid out and started to dry herself off.

“Ginny … what’s bothering you?”

Ginny put more effort into the smile she gave him. “Nothing.” Wrapping the towel around her, she dried her face before tucking it between her breasts.

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not.” Ginny sighed, realizing she was going to have to give him a partial truth. “There are just some things that are difficult to discuss with you because we haven’t been together long, and to tell you the truth, I find it embarrassing to talk about.”