Greer shrugged. “How’s it false advertising? PharmFYOU wasn’t saying it; I was.”

Resting her elbow on the door ledge, Ginny started rubbing her forehead. He was giving her a headache trying to keep up with his train of thought.

“The men in town believed you?”

“Sure did.” Greer snickered. “You should have seen the line outside the health department.”

“Okay. I can see men being stupid enough to believe that nonsense.” She couldn’t, but men’s psyches had never been her strong point. “But you said the whole town: How’d you convince the women?”

Greer blew out a sarcastic raspberry. “They were the ones making sure their men stayed in those long lines.”

“Still …” She couldn’t believe those were the two reasons that got the town inoculated.

Seeing her doubts, Greer looked over both his shoulders to make sure no one was listening then said, “I might—I ain’t saying I did or didn’t—but I might have threw in a couple of greens of Tate’s Tennessee Gold.”

That Ginny believed. “Isn’t that illegal for a sheriff to do?”

Greer didn’t argue that point. “Who’s gonna tell? Tate’s weed is harder to get than the vaccine. We only have a small supply. The wives don’t want us growing it no more. A man has to have their hobbies, you know?” He squinted at her like she should be agreeing with him.

“I can see their point. It’s hard to raise children when their father is in prison.”

“We’d have to be caught first.”

Dismissing her concern, Greer gave a nod to Viper as he walked toward the SUV. “Is that whiny baby still crying for a doctor?”

“Yes. Where’s Dr. Price at? I thought you were supposed to give him a ride from the Fieldman’s when he couldn’t get his car started?”

“On my way.” Greer didn’t rush away at getting caught lingering with them instead of doing the job that Knox had sent him on.

“We headed for the club?” Viper asked once he was seated in the back seat.

“Gavin is taking me to Silas’s home. I’m staying there.”

“We’re staying at the club,” Gavin contradicted her as if it were a done deal. “My wife is staying with me.”

Embarrassed at Gavin making the claim in front of Greer and Viper had her voice raising. “We’re not married!”

Gavin shifted in his seat to give her a steely look. “Viper, are Ginny and I married?”


Gavin gave her a smart aleck bob of his head as if to say “I told you so” at Viper’s answer.

“We. Are. Not. Married!”

Gavin just arched his brows, refusing to argue with her.

“We aren’t!”

“Ah … Reaper, you want a piece of advice from me?” Greer poked his head back through the window.

“No! We don’t!” Pressing the button to roll the window up, Greer barely managed to get his head out before being decapitated. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to keep him from yelling his advice out.

“Damn, boy, if my wife said she weren’t married to me, I know what I would do.”

Ginny shot Gavin a killing look when he pressed the electronic button on his door to roll her window back down.

“What would you do?” Gavin asked with interest.


Chapter Thirty-One

“Will you two quit laughing?” Ginny said stiffly, which made them laugh even harder. “I don’t know what you two find so amusing.”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t.”

Ginny turned in her seat to see Viper practically curling in laughter in the back seat he was laughing so hard.

“I bet Winter wouldn’t find it amusing either,” Ginny warned him.

Viper howled louder, agreeing with her. “She wouldn’t.”

Ginny loftily stared out the window as they pulled out of the sheriff’s office rather than strangle the two buffoons.

“Hardy har har. Holly is a saint to be married to that man.” Ginny thought back to the way Greer had looked when they left. “Did either of you notice Greer wasn’t looking so hot?” When he stepped away from the car, Greer had seemed ready to drop. Feeling bad for the unkind thoughts about the He-Man attitude that generally came out of Greer’s mouth, Ginny regretted not asking if he was feeling okay. “Should I call him and check on him?”

“Use my phone.” Gavin motioned toward the charging station on the console. “In my contacts is Dr. Price; ask him to check Greer out before worrying about Allerton.”

Ginny looked askance at him before taking the phone. “You want me to use your phone?”

Gavin took his eyes away from the road to give her a frown at the question. “Yes. Why? You afraid of my germs?”

“No. I just thought men hated women using their phones?”

“There’s nothing on there that you can’t see.”

“Viper, do you let Winter see your phone?” Ginny looked at Viper in the rearview mirror, interested in another man’s take on their conversation.

“Fuck no. Not anymore.”

Ginny decided to ask Winter about Viper’s reaction the next time she saw her. She would have asked Viper, but she didn’t want to come across as nosy in front of both men.