“Did you?”

I frown, looking over at Islan. “Of course. We’re supposed to protect them, make sure they don’t get hurt. And let’s just say they weren’t always cooperative. Aren’t always cooperative.”

She shakes her head. “God, I know how that goes. All the sympathy.”

“For us or for them?”

She rolls her eyes. “For them.”

My phone rings, and I pull it out of my pocket. Leith. I hold up a finger to Bryn.

“Need a minute.”

She nods. “Aye, of course.”

I answer. “Leith. Everything going alright?”

“Aye. Everything alright with you?”

He didn’t call me to check up. Something’s wrong. I lower my voice and turn away from Bryn. “Aye, what is it?”

“What’s your plan with her?”

I look quickly back to Bryn, then look away. I decide to divert him. “You know my plan and I can’t speak freely here.”

“I don’t, Mac. And after last night I’m bloody nervous that she’s fuckin’ spying on us. You said you’d get revenge for us, that you’d—”

I walk away quickly, concerned she’ll overhear. Jesus.

“I know what I said,” I tell him.

“Well, we’ve information that might impact things.”

I listen, my stomach clenching at the thought of hurting her, at the thought of doing what I actually planned.

“What is it?”

“Your contact in Paris? Contacted William. Not only are they ready, they want you to fucking get there tonight, or the deal’s off.”

“What?” My pulse spikes, my heartbeat quickening. “What the hell are you talking about?” I get the attention of a few people standing nearby. I walk even further away, ignoring the way Bryn watches me.

“Tonight. I want you to go. The lass doesn’t go with you. While you’re there, you’ll have to make a decision, Mac.”

I can tell by the way his voice drops that he isn't happy about what he has to tell me next. There's a reluctance in his tone that I very rarely hear. It fills me with dread, knowing that we reached the end of the line. Knowing that we have to make some decisions. At least… I do. And now.

“Aye,” I say with a sigh. “I know it.”

Leith hesitates before he answers me. “Mac, you're my brother. If we have to find another way—”

“No. I’m going to make him pay for what he’s done, Leith. I want him to fear us. I want him knowing that he isn’t safe if he threatens any of us.”

“Aye, I understand,” he says. “Do you know if what we heard last night is true? Does she have an ulterior motive with you?”

“I don’t know. I truly can’t tell. I hate the thought of it, but I won’t lie and tell you it isn’t a distinct possibility.”

“Aye. I want you to tell me the truth, brother.” I’m vividly aware of her eyes on me from across the room, guilt plaguing me about even this fucking conversation we’re having.

I sigh. “Of course. What is it?”

“Do you care for the girl?”

I look across the room at her, and she meets my eyes. She gives me a little wave and smiles, and she’s so stunningly beautiful, it makes my heart ache with what has to be done.

“Aye,” I tell him reluctantly. “Of course. I didn’t mean for it to happen. But it doesn’t matter now, does it, Leith? I told you you can count on me, and I won’t let you down.”

He sighs, and I can almost feel the weight of everything he carries just listening to his voice. “You don’t need to explain to me. I know. I know how hard it is to do what you're supposed to when someone you love is on the line. But I have a plan. I have an idea about something that very well could work… for all of us.” He sighs. “But you may have to break her heart first.”

I feel as if someone’s dashed me with ice water as I listen to his plan. It’s as if I’m out of my body, like another person’s standing here listening to what he has to say. But if his plan works…

“Aye,” I tell him when he’s through. “We walk at the edge of a blade with this, but it might work.”

“It will, Mac. Now do what you have to. I’ll be sure your things are ready.”

I hang up the phone and stare across the room. Bryn’s sitting at the table, sipping a flute of champagne. I’m glad she isn’t looking my way, because I don’t know if I could hide the pain in my eyes, the fear of what has to happen next.

If it goes the way we plan… even if it all works perfectly… I don’t know if we can survive what has to happen.

Chapter 16


I look up across the room to find Mac, but he isn't there anymore. I look around me, trying to find him. I’m not sure why I need to see him right now, but I know in my heart that something isn't right.