"What do you have to offer?" I ask.

The woman comes around me slowly, kneeling before me as she bows her head. "Whatever your pleasure, Dominus et Deuce."

I glance at her naked form briefly. IVI has high standards for the women in their employ. They must be intoxicating. Beautiful. The loveliest sight a man has ever seen. I would be lying if I said I hadn't visited this place before and partaken in several of these women. But right now, the sight of her kneeling before me gives me no great pleasure.

I only have eyes for my wife, I find, as they drift back to her. She doesn't know it. She’s still waiting anxiously for my response.

"Perhaps you can teach my playmate a lesson," I tell the woman. "Can you show her how to please a man? It seems that art is lost on her."

A wicked smile curves across the woman's face as she nods. "It would be my honor."

Ivy yanks against her restraints, the ropes chafing at her wrists.

"No." The word is a mere whisper, but it is exactly what I need from her.

She is jealous. She doesn't want to share her monster after all. That makes two occasions now I have witnessed this little beast inside her. First, when she uncovered Mercedes’s affectionate nickname for me. And now, the notion that I might actually take another.

The woman before me rises slowly, reaching up for the tie of my cloak. I still her hand and shake my head, leaning in to whisper my instructions in her ear. She listens carefully and then nods, making a quick retreat.

A few silent minutes pass where I watch Ivy's trembling form. She whispers my name once, and I have to stifle the groan of pleasure her desperation produces in me. It isn't logical for her to want to possess me the way I possess her. She should know how dangerous this desire is for her. And still, I find myself questioning it. Is she trying to toy with me, even now? Playing into this fantasy that she could ever truly want me?

"Please don't do this," she begs. "You vowed to be faithful to me. It was the one vow you made.”

Her head is sagging. Body quivering. And she's never looked so beautiful. I need to touch her more than I've ever needed anything. But first, I have to see how far she will go with this lie.

The woman returns as I instructed with another member in tow. He too is in a cloak and mask. He nods at me and drapes the cloak over his shoulders, unzipping his trousers as he helps the woman to her knees before him. Within moments, the sloppy sound of her sucking his dick fills the space between Ivy and me. Silent tears drip down her face under the mask, splashing onto the floor beneath her. I'm close enough to study her in a way that I never have. To watch her muscles straining, her chest heaving as she fights to hold herself upright. Even as she's being humiliated, she continues to fight, refusing to allow her body to give out.

The other member pulls the woman's mouth from his dick and pets her face. They are both silent as he clutches her hand and leads her to the small table near Ivy. He hoists her ass up on top of it and grabs her hips, sliding her toward him until she's exactly where he wants her.

A feminine moan splits the silence as he thrusts into her, skin slapping against skin. Ivy renews her fight, struggling against her restraints, chafing her wrists and ankles as she desperately tries to free herself. I keep thinking at any moment, the illusion will be shattered. She will end the charade and stop acting as if she cares who I take. But it doesn't happen. It never happens.

The sound of her mournful sobs splinter my ears as I circle around her, and it is only when my hands fall upon her back that she freezes.

"Who's there?" she murmurs.

"Who else would it be?" I lean over her body and whisper into her ear.

She sucks in a breath, tilting her head in confusion as she listens to the sounds of the man fucking the other woman not five feet away. I nip at her ear and groan as my palms slide around to her breasts, pinching her nipples between my fingers.

"How does that jealousy taste?" I tease the shell of her ear with my teeth. “I want to hear you say it.”

"No,” she whimpers.

“Does it make you angry?” My fingers move to the apex of her thighs, toying with her as she struggles to contain her emotions.

“I don’t care what you do.” Her head dips, and slowly, she forces it back up, straining against the weight.


She sucks in a sharp breath as the couple’s fucking grows more frantic. She’s squirming against me as much as her body will allow now, arching her back as I slap at her clit. When she hisses, I do it again, and then follow up with some undeserved tenderness, stroking and teasing her to the brink of her sanity.