Each was inspected with naked fingers, her shoulder moved to test mobility, and scowled at when it was clear the tendon was inflamed.

“I have yet to see the footage of how you reached my cell, but once I have, I believe we are going to have a discussion about technique. This was an avoidable injury.”

Insult brushed aside common sense. Brenya bit back, “I guarantee my climbing technique is far superior to yours, Jules Havel. I was climbing before I could walk.”

“Hmm.” He took a step back, surveying her torso in another sweep. “Stand and remove your skirt.”

Silk and lace whispered to the ground, Brenya eager to be done with this.


She did, facing away while he brushed her hair from her back. His touch traced down her vertebrae, stopping on occasion for a thumb to dig in until she grunted. Yet each pass caused something tight to release.

Fingertips moved to her buttocks, gently pulling apart her flesh. She knew what he saw, why he asked, “How long ago did he do this?”

“Hours ago.”

“Did you bleed?”

“No. He made sure I saw that I had not.”

“I see.” Physically turning her to face him, Jules met her eyes as he asked, “Any vaginal complaint?”

None that would impede whatever Jules Havel intended to do to her. “I was stretched with the pliarator earlier today. There should be nothing to prevent you from…”

“From what, Brenya Havel?”

The word was small. He made her feel small. “Penetration.”

“Then climb into bed.”


Greth Dome

Despite her previous urges to deny Shepherd a proper nest, she built one around him as he snored. Nimbly arranging the wonderfully soft new things he’d provided. Gifts brought before he had come to her in need of comfort only a mate might provide. Claire created a wonder for him to wake in.

Since coming to Greth, she had never seen him so exhausted. Nor had there ever been a situation in which her subtle movements had not instantly jarred him from sleep. For crying out loud, she practically slept like a corpse so the Alpha would get the rest he so clearly needed.

But she refused to worry. Emotions could be controlled and explored later. Right now, she needed to take care of him.

So he could take care of everyone else.

Jules had a new wife now. Shepherd had shown Claire a projection of a woman standing on a balcony, the wind dancing through her hair as she stared into the distance.

A scar dragged down one of the Omega’s eyelids, puckered the flesh of her cheek.

An engaging scar on the face of an interesting woman.

Smiling at the picture, Claire told Shepherd she’d chosen a friend… so he could stop grousing.

“Brenya Havel does not speak your language, and she needs time, little one.” Yet it was clear Shepherd was pleased by her declaration. “You come on strong, and the last year of her life has not been easy. Let’s not overwhelm her.”

“Then I will send a gift. A painting.” She smiled, already knowing exactly which view of her garden to capture. “We can exchange letters.”

It was so rare to catch Shepherd in an open act of contemplation. Which left Claire grinning as he looked to the side and pondered. “You could prepare for her your favorite Omega information.”

“Omega information?” Chuckling before she nipped his chest, Claire hummed in the exact pitch that would make his eyes heavy. “Sure. I’ll put together a manual.”

It was meant to be a joke, but the way Shepherd looked at her…

“She was the first Omega in Bernard Dome in generations. It would be a kindness to give her some perspective.”

Claire reeled, trying to imagine what life might have been like without a sisterhood of Omegas to guide her. A mother, Nona, all the women she had met with in secret because their lives required safety in numbers and vigilance.

“The Alpha who forged the bond. He hurt her,” Claire whispered. Because of course he did. He wouldn’t know what to do any more than Brenya might.

It was a situation that almost deserved pity for the male.

“A letter—some advice, from the wife of Jules’ friend.” Yawning, Shepherd finished with, “Articles you enjoy could be translated….”

Increasing the volume of her hum, Claire watched her mate’s eyes close. Snores were instant.

His COM? She stole it. He could have it back after he slept more than three hours straight.

One of the most beautiful nests an Omega might create when their Alpha was already in it came to life. Claire, humming so loud she would be hoarse later.

He needed this.

The man had been away for almost two full days. She knew he had not slept, that his focus had been on the situation with Jules.

The sun rose, Claire tucked to the side of a sleeping giant. No tutors dared interrupt. Together, they dreamed until dusk.

She bathed. The time spent on her unruly hair… recognizing how badly she needed a trim. How long had it been since she’d cut her hair? Ends crunching between her fingertips, she frowned.