‘Well…if you insist.’

‘I do.’

She smiled at him. ‘You know something? When I first met you I thought you were brash and arrogant and ridiculously shallow.’

‘And now?’

‘I think underneath that easy come, easy go exterior you’re a really nice guy.’

A dangerous light came back on in his eyes as he trailed a lazy finger down the curve of her cheek. ‘Don’t be fooled, little English girl. Your white knight has the blackest of hearts.’

‘At least you have one.’

He studied her mouth for a heart-stopping moment. Daisy felt her breath come to a screeching halt as his fingertip traced the outline of her lips, the top one and then the bottom one. The movement of his finger stirred every nerve into a happy dance. She could feel her lips buzzing as if a swarm of bees was trapped beneath their surface.

‘Are you going to kiss me?’ Had she really asked that? She really needed to work on her flirting lines. But hey, this might just be the opportunity to do it.

His mouth curved upwards in an enigmatic smile. ‘Let’s say I’m measuring the risks.’

‘Just so you know…I don’t bite.’

‘No.’ He took a fistful of her hair in his hand and pulled her close as his mouth came down towards hers. ‘But I do.’


HER LIPS WERE soft and pliable and she tasted of a heady cocktail of champagne and innocence. Luiz had wanted to kiss her from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in the nightclub. Her feisty little brush-off had amused him. He knew he could take her down given enough time. Now he had her in his arms but taking it a step further was giving him some pause. Her father had issued a thinly disguised warning. Sully his little girl’s reputation and there would be unpleasant consequences. Luiz would have told him where to stick his threats but the name Charles Wyndham rang a faint alarm bell in his head.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t indulge in a kiss with Daddy’s little princess first.

Except that kissing her was proving to be far more addictive than he had bargained for. Her soft lips opened on a breathless sigh as he deepened the kiss with a smooth stroke of his tongue against the seam of her mouth. She pressed herself closer to his body, triggering a molten fire inside him as he recalled every deliciously naked inch of her last night as she had wantonly stripped off her clothes and danced and jiggled her breasts around him. In spite of his moral stance, it had taken a monumental amount of willpower to resist her clumsy attempt to seduce him. She had gorgeous curves that were womanly and yet delightfully youthful. Her breasts were small but perfect globes of feminine flesh with rose-pink nipples that had made his mouth ache to taste their budded peaks. Her waist was tiny in comparison to the feminine swell of her hips, small enough for his hands to span, which had been one temptation he hadn’t been able to resist. He had done it as an experiment…or so he told himself. But feeling her push against him in nothing but her creamy skin had all but disabled his willpower. A backdraught of heat had shot through his system when her pelvis came in contact with his.

Luiz felt it again as she moved against him now and, even though this time she was fully clothed, just knowing that under that little black dress and those little lacy black knickers she was waxed clear made him throb with a fireball of lust.

He plunged deeper into her mouth, seeking the hot sweet wetness of her, as if that in some vicarious way would suffice. Her tongue approached his with a teasing little flicker that made him go after it with ruthless intent. He drew it into his mouth, cajoling it into submission as his hands gripped her hips and held her tight against the swell of his pounding erection. Need roared inside him like a wild animal on the prowl. Earthy need. Primal need that would not be assuaged any other way than with monkey sex at its most animated.

He brought his hands to her head, spreading his fingers through her hair as he held her mouth to his in a passionate duel. Not that she was fighting him or anything. She was with him all the way, making it impossible for him to pull back and get perspective.

Damn perspective.

He wanted her.

But, for all that, her father’s threat sent a cube of ice scudding down his spine. It was one thing to make a threat to have his legs broken—which he didn’t for a moment take seriously because last time he looked he wasn’t in an episode of a mob drama—but how far did her old man’s influence reach? During the course of the brief conversation Charles Wyndham had chillingly mentioned Alejandro and Teddy’s upcoming wedding. They had married a few weeks earlier in a marriage of convenience arrangement to secure Teddy’s inheritance and some land next to the Valquez family estate—now Alejandro’s property—which had been swindled off their father by Teddy’s father twenty years ago.