Like … she actually thought of killing me for the first time.


“You can’t win this fight, Amelia,” I say as she struggles. “Give up.”

She pouts, tears welling up in her beautifully enraged eyes, the look so pretty that I could just swipe her off her feet and fuck her right here, right now.

“What did you do to her?” she asks.

“She’s not well, so she’s being taken care of.”

She scoffs. “That’s a lie. She’s dead, isn’t she?”

I wonder how she came to that conclusion. Is it because of the breakfast I wanted to share with her? I’m surprised she managed to figure out that Tobias, Soren, and I have it with each of our guests. I suppose it was only a matter of time, especially with her talking to the others. Still, I’m amazed at her wit.

I smile, tilting my head down. “Is that what you fear the most? Death of your friends? Or the death of you?”

She resists me again, trying to free herself even though she knows it’s no use. She’s never been this combative, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me as hard as a rock.

“Stop fighting. Anna is safe. And once she’s healed, she will be free,” I say, my brows to show I’m serious.

“Free?” she growls, throwing me a look.

“When she allowed Tobias to take control, to punish her for what she did, she freed herself from the burden of shame,” I answer.

Amelia breathes in and out slowly. “And I’m supposed to believe you?”

“Yes. It’s the truth.”

She rolls her eyes in a way that makes me want to bend her over my lap and spank her. “That’s easy for you to say. You make the rules.”

“And I also abide by them. Which is why I’m setting her free when she’s healed,” I reply. My grip on her wrist grows tighter as I pull her closer to me. “Now tell me exactly how you two escaped.”

“Or what?” she retorts. “You’re going to force me to stay in this room until I die of old age?” Her chest rises and falls faster and faster as her eyes search mine for a hint of mercy. I’ve certainly hit a chord.

A pearly bead of sweat rolls into the crevice of her tits. My eyes can’t help but traipse down as my tongue dips out to lick my top lip. Her body quivers as her eyes pull away from mine to look back at that spot she was standing at mere seconds ago when she was fumbling with the curtains.

My eyes narrow, and I step aside quickly to tear them away. Behind it is a vent leading to the other room. So this is how they forged their little plans.

I grab her shoulders and shove her against the wall. “You were talking with her.”

She makes a face. “I did what I had to do to survive.”

“Survive?” I repeat, grasping a strand of her hair to twist it around my finger. “Is that what you think this is?”

“You’re punishing me for something I can’t even remember,” she hisses through her teeth.

“You asked for this. Yet you refuse to behave like the others,” I reply.

“Because you make it impossible!” she spits back. “I’ve been kept in this room like some pet, and you think it’s strange I’d want to talk to someone?”

I cock my head. “You wanna talk? Talk. I’m listening.”

She slams her lips shut. “As if it’s that easy.”

“It is,” I retort. “If only you would let yourself open up to me …” I tip up her chin, forcing her to look at me instead of trying to look away. “Anna did to Tobias.”

Her pupils dilate. “I don’t believe it. This is all just more mind games, isn’t it?” Tears well up in her eyes. “You had her killed, didn’t you?”

I laugh, and it makes her face contort even more.

“I know you’ve killed people. I just know it,” she says.

I lean in, my grip on her body growing firmer and firmer. “How can you tell?”

Her eyes flick back and forth between mine. “I …”

A fully-fledged smile forms on my lips. “Or is it just that you see”—I tap her forehead—“what you want to see?”

She swallows, visibly shaken by her own confusion and betrayal of mind. She’s unraveling before me, and I want to swallow every delicious speck of her destruction.

Oh … she’s really outdone herself now.


I stare into those fiery eyes filled with ruin and pain. Behind those eyes, a monster hides in plain sight. But something else is there too, something beyond that anger and domination … something I can’t quite decipher, but I know it’s the key to unlocking all of this madness.

A part of me wishes I could undo what I just did. That I could stop myself from trying to hide that vent. That I hadn’t ever spoken to Anna in the first place so she’d be safe. So she wouldn’t try to run into the water all by herself just to end things.