“That would just be existing and me going through the motions. I need you with us for me to truly live.”

“Govno,” he snapped, rolling me onto my back. Then, getting up on his knees, he yelled in Russian at the door to the gym.

I burst out laughing as he started yanking at my workout shorts. “What did you just do?”

“I told them if they came in, I’d cut their dick off and send it to their mom.”

I was still laughing as he thrust his finger inside me, but when his mouth joined it, I stopped.

I was freshly showered and heading to see my boys. Lena was amazing and had taken to spending time with them every day to give me a break. It’d hurt me at first to do it, but when she’d said that moms needed time to themselves, and that a fresh mom was a happy mom, I’d relented. We didn’t do it every day, but I came back feeling like my batteries had been recharged on the days we did.

“Well, well,” she snickered, doing up Hendrix’s diaper and pulling his onesie down to do the crotch snaps up on it. “Look what the cat dragged in, little man. Doesn’t your momma look pretty with her pink cheeks? She does, doesn’t she?”

My sons had lady skills, even at just over three months old.

“Okay, give it a rest. They don’t need to hear any of that,” a voice I hadn’t expected to hear said, and I turned around to see Ben and Dmitri sitting on the couch that was hidden by the door.

“Guys, hey! How are you both?”

Ben was holding Walker, but he got up and hugged me with his free arm. “Well, your son cried until I held him, and now I’m afraid I’m gonna drop him.”

Leaning in past him, Dmitri snickered, “Ever seen a grown man cry?” When I shook my head, he gestured with his thumb over his shoulder. “Try leaving this guy with the baby, then you’ll see it.”

Laughing at the glaring Ben, I tried to picture it, but I couldn’t. “There’s a nanny cam in here, I’ll have to watch it later.”

“Thanks,” Ben growled, rolling his eyes as he sat back down, making sure not to wake Walker up. “These babies are cute, tesoro. I’m glad they took after you instead of the Fedorovs.”

Sitting down beside him, I leaned down to look at my son, loving the way his lips moved while he slept. “Don’t tell their daddy that, he’s like a bear when it comes to them.”

Once Lena joined us again, with a semi-awake Hendrix watching the world around him until he tired himself out enough to sleep, we discussed anything and everything. But mainly Ben and Dmitri quizzed her on being a famous model.

Realizing her arms would be getting tired, I got up and swapped places with her. With Hendrix curled into me, she took my spare seat beside Ben.

“I’ve seen some of your campaigns,” he told her, not so scared about holding a baby now. “I’m not surprised you became the head Hellion for them. You’re gorgeous.”

Wiggling her eyebrows at him, she asked, “You like me in underwear, Benito?”

Dmitri and I burst out laughing as he blushed slightly, but before he could reply, a deep voice barked, “What the fuck,” from the entrance to the room.

The only people who jumped by the surprise arrival were me and Lena. Meaning, the other two people in the room were better trained than us, and had either heard them, or didn’t jump like girls when someone appeared out of nowhere.

Glancing over my shoulder, I took in a furious looking Hunter, with Taras standing beside him with a small smile on his face.

“Jaeger, Fedorov,” Ben greeted smoothly. “Come to relieve me of your child?”

Taras went to pass him, but Hunter put his arm out to block him. “If you take the baby, I’ll kill him. Now, answer my question.”

Looking like he didn’t have a care in the world, Ben leaned back, keeping hold of Walker the whole time. “I don’t recall there being a question, tipo.”

“I asked, what the fuck?”

“I’m afraid that’s not a question, it’s more of a statement. If you’d like to inform us what the statement is related to, though, I’d be more than happy to assist you.”

Dmitri covered his mouth with his hand as Ben spoke, like he was hiding a smile. But his brother wasn’t quite as discreet, and stood behind my brother with a massive grin on his face.

“Don’t push me, De Luca.”

“I didn’t push, Hamilton. I pointed out a fact. Now, I don’t recall doing anything to warrant being killed, and I’d like to point out something else. If you ever threaten my life again, it better be for a legitimate reason, or I’ll skin you myself. Comprendere?”

Grinding his teeth together, he jerked his chin at Ben, then looked at Lena. “A word, please.”