“Wrap your legs around my hips, baby,” he growled, slowly withdrawing and then thrusting back into me again.

Only just having the power over my limbs to do it, I lifted them and hooked my ankles behind him.

When I was done, he shifted his position so that he was leaning on his elbows and his hands were holding my face. “Take me.”

With slow, smooth movements, he pushed his way inside my body, prompting the climax that’d just left me start to come back, and making sure not to lose eye contact with me the whole time. Once I had his full length, he closed his eyes and took some breaths, like he was trying to get back control.

“I can’t do it,” he ground out, his eyes opening again.

The words made me panic, thinking maybe he meant he couldn’t have sex with me.

But then he added, “I need to make love to you more than it feels like I need to breathe, but I can’t be gentle.”

“Then don’t,” I whispered, moving one of my hands from his back to the side of his neck. “I just want you, any way you’ll give yourself to me.”

“Christ, you undo me, malysh.” Then, moving one of his hands and pushing it under my back so he was holding my ass, he said, “Hold on tight,” before he withdrew.

I was expecting the thrust to be like the ones before, but there was far more force and speed this time. Angling his head so he could reach my breast, he plumped it in his hand, then took my nipple into his mouth before I could remind him I was still feeding the boys. His jerk told me he’d just found out anyway, and then he moaned around it as his hips sped up.

I writhed under him as the orgasm started to build again. It felt like he was deep inside me, past any point he’d ever reached before, as he continued to tunnel in and out of me. The thought made me clench down around him as he rolled his hips to grind into me, before moving over to my other breast.

“Taras,” I begged, needing him to do something now. It felt like I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think.

Getting up onto my elbows, I watched his abdomen as he pulled out until only the tip was left inside me. The muscles were there under the skin as he moved, but they became even more pronounced as his torso contracted just before he slammed into me, making me drop back down onto my back and tighten my legs around him.

With fierce drives, he fucked into me, and because of the hard surface of his desk, there was nothing to absorb the impact. It wasn’t painful, though, because it meant his groin hit my clit perfectly with each thrust.

Almost like he read my mind, he began to roll his hips on each downward thrust, driving me out of my mind.

“Come, malysh. Come now.”

I don’t know if it was his words or if it was the fierce thrust that accompanied them, but I came immediately, crying out loudly into the room as I crashed, and not caring if anyone outside it heard.

He was right behind me, as the spasming of my muscles around him triggered his own climax, and he let out a loud shout as he spilled into me, continuing to move in and out, until he was too sensitive and had to stop.

Dropping his head onto my shoulder, he wrapped me up in his arms. “Christ, Nell, I’ve missed you.”

Closing my eyes, I waited for any negative feelings to hit me, sure I’d feel some sort of guilt over what we’d just done.

Instead, there was peace for the first time in almost a year.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I couldn’t help wondering how I was ever going to get any work completed with the memory of what we’d done on my desk at the front of my mind, as I looked over some of our companies' paperwork. It didn’t seem like it would be possible. Every time I looked at the spot right in front of my chair, all I could see was how she’d looked as I moved inside her.

A knock at the door was my cue to get my mind back in the game.

“Priyti k finishu,” I barked, making a show of moving the paperwork back over the spot. Maybe I was even protecting it from anyone else seeing it?

“Ah, brat,” Dmitri murmured as he entered. “I just called you that to Nell, and she thought I was calling you a brat.”

“I assume you informed her otherwise?” I nodded at one of the chairs opposite my desk.

I’d ordered one for Nell to sit on that would be here in a couple of days, and the one she’d used earlier was sitting in the corner near my desk, so he had his free pick of the ones remaining.