Bits of the normal Lena were coming through as she told the story, and even though I was confused about what this had to do with my brother, I can’t say I didn’t smile at the change in her.

“After that, I got the exclusive contract with Twisted Saints and whatever.” She waved her hand around, like something like that wasn’t as big a deal as it was.

After we brought the boys home, she'd told me that her agent and the company were okay with her living wherever she wanted to, so long as she was available for shoots and events when they needed her. Thanks to airplanes and cars, that wasn’t an issue, so she didn’t have to worry about her job.

Not that she ever would have to. If she lost the contract with them, there were another ten waiting for the exclusivity clause to be over so they could sign her for themselves. She had a uniquely versatile look that was edgy as well as saintly, so she could model anything she was given, with no problems.

The real beauty of Selena Rhodes was that, she wasn’t only breathtaking on the outside, she was equally if not more spectacular on the inside, too.

“When you came to stay with me the first time, I met a guy called—”

“Hunter,” I groaned, wanting to punch him in the face.

From this one thing, I knew he’d followed me to Florida the first time I’d gone. That asshole.

“Except he went by Jagger,” she sighed. “I should have put two and two together when you told me his nickname was Jaeger.”

“Club name,” I corrected, still seething over the news.

“Same thing. Anyway, he’d sneak in during the night, and leave before we all got up, and I thought—” she croaked halfway through the word, and I swear I’d never wanted to punch my brother so badly in my life.

If I had a gun, I swear I’d use it on him. Well, no, I wouldn’t, but I’d point it at him and scare him that way.

“I thought we had something, and wanted to keep it hidden to protect it to begin with. I’d never had anyone focus on me like he did. Or like he acted like he did,” she added, staring down at her hands as she fidgeted.

“Remember my birthday party, and how I said I was going to tell y’all some news?”

“Yeah, that’s when you got the contract as Twisted Saints’ head hellion.” Who would forget that? The position made her the face of the company, it was huge.

Finally lifting her eyes, she smiled sadly again. “That wasn’t the news I was going to tell you about.”

Oh, God.

“Except he never turned up. Not that night, not the next.”

“If I’d known…” I didn’t know how to end the sentence, because if I’d known, I’d have done something about it. I just didn’t know exactly what.

“You can’t force someone to be with someone they don’t want to be with, though.”

I hated my brother hadn’t seen what he had in her. She was one of the biggest gifts anyone would hope to have in their lives.

“Why didn’t you end up telling me about it? You know I’d have been there for you.”

“Because there was nothing to tell,” she shrugged. “No one knew he existed, and it was easier to keep it that way. It would have hurt to talk about it.”

“Did you call him and give him shit?” Hell, I wanted to do it right then.

Clearing her throat, she looked over at the babies. “The number I had for him was disconnected when I finally got the guts to call him four days later.” Then, looking back at me, she raised her eyebrows. “Now you see why I don’t want to be in a room with him?”

“I want to kill him,” I said fiercely. “I want to punch him in the face.”

“Nell, I didn’t tell you to cause a problem between y’all. I told you so you’d understand why I can’t even look at him.”

“Oh, I understand, all right. And I don’t know if I can even look at him.”

“Girl, I’ve got two brothers of my own who drive me insane, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t do without them. Don’t take my issues on as your own, just know why I have them, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed, knowing what she said made sense. “But I’m still going to kick his ass.”

Bursting out laughing, she lay down and put her head on my lap, and her long hair spread out around us.

“I can’t believe I didn’t get to shoot back today,” she sighed, making it clear she wanted to stop talking about Hunter. I could give her that. God knows I’d wanted to do it often enough about Taras.

Her words, though, made a laugh burst out of me that made the babies jump.