I’d also spent every last day knowing that the woman I loved hated me.

Now I knew that, even though she’d hated me, she’d also protected me, and had done it all carrying my baby in her belly.

“What the fuck?” Hunter snapped, getting my attention off the ground in front of me where I’d been staring, as I sank deeper into the darkness that my reality brought.

Looking in the direction that he was staring, I watched as four people in scrubs wheeled Nell out of her room, while another stood by the double doors that were now open. Before we could go to her, though, they ran her quickly through, and then the doors shut behind them.

Pale, Bruce approached us, looking wildly around the room, like a man with no control over his world—much like I imagined I looked, too.

“They’re doing an emergency c-section,” he told us as he reached where we were all standing. “I’m not allowed in because they’re knocking her out, but one of the babies is in distress, and they need it out now.”

I didn’t hear what everyone said to him because I was stuck on something he’d said. A new piece of information that set my world back into an impossibly more rapid spin than it was already in. One of the babies.

Seeing he was next to me, I forced out, “One of the babies?”

“Yeah,” he muttered distractedly. “It’s twins.”

Blyat! No fucking way.

Feeling the strength in my legs leaving me, I made my way over to a free chair, and sank into it with more control than I expected.

She was pregnant with my babies. Babies.

I didn’t know much about pregnancy, but she’d carried those two even though she’d been shit on by their father. And she’d made sure they were healthy for those whole thirty-four weeks, while protecting me. The last part kept stabbing away at my heart, I couldn’t stop repeating it to myself, but the new discovery wasn’t far behind it.

Growing up in the Bratva, you lose your emotions, your inhibitions, and your soul. But being with Nell for all those months had flipped a switch that had brought them all back.

The love of one woman didn’t dissolve your past misdeeds and sins, I was still missing part of my soul because men who didn’t even think twice at spilling the blood of someone didn’t get to have complete souls. But I’d become more human after she’d come into my life.

After the day she’d found out about the wedding, the switch had been flipped again, and I’d reverted back to how I used to be. Except, now, I had acid eating away at the special place inside me that was hers alone.

I was the Vor I was raised to be, but I had a hidden weakness that I kept buried deep. Only my blood family knew about it, so it was more secure than any guarded safe in the world.

So, hearing all of this a normal man might cry, and he might get pissed and start destroying shit with it. But a Vor didn’t do that.

Instead, I put all of the emotions into Nell’s area inside me, feeling the burn getting fiercer, but also feeling something I couldn’t put my finger on. Happiness, maybe? Those were my babies, so she was tied to me now.

Once I found a way out of my situation—and I had no doubts my family would help me with it—I had the in I needed to get her back and also to be part of my kids’ lives.

The pressure from this thought was suddenly sliced open by another realization—they were cutting her open to save one of them. It was an emergency because something was wrong, but even then, surgeries went wrong all the time. What if I lost all three of them?

The pain from that was sharp and hit me from head to toe.

I was just about to get up and go to the nurses' station, to tell them I was going into the room she was being operated in, when someone sat down beside me and put their hand on my arm to stop me as I braced to get up.

“I’m taking it you have an involvement in this,” Hunter muttered, his hand tightening on my bicep and pissing me off.

“I need to get in that room,” I replied, jerking my arm out of his hold and glaring at him.

He looked at me, assessing something, until he finally shook his head. “No can do. Bruce already tried while they were running around getting her ready to go, and they won’t allow anyone in.”

“Then I’ll make them.” I’d do anything, even get out my gun to get in there.

Leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his thighs, he turned his head to look at me. “You do that, and you’re opening the door to the knowledge for everyone”—he looked out into the hallway, making the point there could be unknowns in it— “that your DNA makes up half of those babies. That’s if I’m reading this right.”