And she was pregnant.

I didn’t take my eyes off the vehicle as Rider quickly reversed out, and then put it into drive and roared off toward the gate, which opened before he’d even gotten to it.

“If she’s hurt…” Hunter growled, and I knew his incentive to find out who the fuck was doing this had just increased even more. As had mine.

He didn’t need to finish the sentence, though, because regardless of who found him, the man was going to wish he was dead long before he got that wish.

“We deal with the authorities,” Bruce said firmly. “Then we go and make sure your sister’s ok. And then we find him.”

“What if the bab—” Hunter started, but was cut off by his dad.

“She’s thirty-four weeks, Hunter. Her doctor knows what he’s doing because I got her the best.”

“Did you see her?” he barked as he ran his hands through his hair, grabbing fistfuls at the back. “She was holding her stomach in pain, Dad. Nell’s strong, but I don’t think she’d be able to go through shit like that if something happens. We only just fucking got her back.”

I might have asked a question about that last statement, but I was doing the math for thirty-four weeks. That was five weeks longer than the last time I’d seen her.

She was with me thirty-four weeks ago, in my bed, in my heart, in my life, and I knew with absolute certainty that it was only me she was sleeping with.

That meant the day Nell had found out I was marrying Donna, she was five weeks pregnant and hadn’t said anything.

It also meant that was my kid inside her.

My kid she was currently rushing to the hospital to save.

I managed to get out, “I gotta go,” before I was running to where I’d parked close to the gate.

I’d done it so there was an excuse to stay outside as we’d met halfway between it and the club, but it also meant it’d been out of the way of the blast, although there was still debris on and near it.

“Fedorov,” Bruce called in a tone I hadn’t heard from him before. “You tell your father he has us behind him. I’ll speak to the other chapters and get their votes, too. We catch this motherfucker and end this shit.”

Lifting my chin at him, I glanced at Hunter who was looking at me strangely, but I didn’t have time to waste.

They’d find out soon enough, and I needed to get to the hospital.

Chapter Two


I couldn’t give away why I was really in the waiting room when the Road Kings members started pouring into it.

Instead, I’d explained to them that I was a concerned friend, wanting to give the Fedorov Pakhan updates, and acting as a representative of the MC's ally until Hunter and Bruce arrived.

That excuse didn’t explain the nervous pacing and amount of times I went up to the desk to ask for an update, though.

Right now I didn’t care what anyone else thought, and from the looks Hunter was giving me, he obviously had a lot of thoughts about me.

He could keep them to himself. I just wanted to know—no, needed to know—that my woman and baby were okay.

Bruce and Hunter had been allowed in to see her after they’d finally arrived, but then Hunter had come back out ten minutes later, leaving Nell with her dad, who was still in there with her.

The thought of the big man—whose reputation for being merciless—holding her hand while she gave birth would have been amusing, if it wasn’t for the fact that it should have been my job.

The wait had given me time to think over the situation and why she hadn’t told me, though, so my mind was slightly clearer. It still hurt, but I understood it.

The facts were that the Bratva had many enemies, and we were never free of the darkness that they brought to us. I was also married, and my wife was the Azarov family's daughter, so the alliance it had brought to us was serious. To damage that would have brought problems to everyone, including the MC.

I didn’t doubt, though, that her silence was also motivated by anger and hurt, especially at the beginning of the marriage.

Still, I knew Nell well enough to say that most of her silence would have been to avoid fracturing alliances and damage my reputation as Vor, the next in line to the head of the Bratva. She may have been kept away from the Club until a year ago, but she knew the code of both of our worlds well enough to understand what was at stake.

And fuck me, but that fact burned me deeply.

I’d betrayed her, and she’d protected me.

Chyort! Damn it all to hell.

The last seven and a half months had been hell. I’d spent every day of it going through the motions, looking for a way out of the shit I was in, and planning how to explain it to Nell so she’d understand.