What softer side? She had romantic goggles on. A couple of good orgasms and she was seeing him as some sort of white knight. ‘Don’t confuse good physical chemistry with anything else, okay? I’m not interested in anything else. And nor should you be until you’ve sorted out why you keep attracting the sort of guys who won’t stick around long enough to put a ring on your finger and keep it there.’

She gave him a pert look. ‘Maybe you could tell me what I’m doing wrong, since you’re the big relationships expert.’

Jake watched as she took her sweet ass time getting off the bed to slip on a bathrobe. She didn’t bother doing up the waist ties but left the sides hanging open, leaving her beautiful body partially on show. For some reason it was more titillating than if she had been standing there stark naked. His blood headed south until he was painfully erect.

Everything about her turned him on. The way she moved like a sleek and graceful cat. The way she tossed her hair back behind her shoulders like some haughty aristocrat. The way she looked at him with artic eyes while her body radiated such sensual heat. It was good to see her act more confident sexually but he couldn’t help feeling she was driving home a point. But he was beyond fighting her over it. He wanted her and he only had two weeks to make the most of it. ‘What time do you have to be downstairs?’ he asked.

She pushed back her left sleeve to check the watch on her slender wrist. It was one his parents had bought for her for her twenty-first birthday. Another reminder of how entwined with his life she was and always would be. ‘An hour,’ she said. ‘I have to check my dress is properly steamed and pressed for the fashion parade tomorrow.’

He held out his hand. ‘Have a shower with me.’

She looked at his hand. Returned her gaze to his with a little flicker of defiance in hers. ‘Won’t you be quicker on your own?’

‘Yeah, but it won’t be half as much fun.’


JAZ’S BODY WAS still tingling when she went downstairs with Jake for the welcome-to-the-expo drinks party. He kept giving her smouldering glances as they mingled amongst the other designers and expo staff. She wondered if people knew what they had been up to in the shower only minutes earlier. She had hardly had time to get her hair dry and put on some make-up after he had pleasured every inch of her body.

Of course people knew. He was Jake Ravensdale. What he didn’t know about sex wasn’t worth knowing. Wasn’t her thrumming body proof of that? He only had to look at her with that dark-as-midnight gaze and her inner core would leap in excitement. She saw the effect he had on every woman in the room. Hers wasn’t the only pulse racing, the only breath catching in her throat, the only mind conjuring up what she would like to do with him when she got him alone.

Congratulations came thick and fast from the people Jaz knew, as well as many she didn’t. It made her feel a little less conflicted about continuing the charade. It was only for two weeks. Two weeks to enjoy the sensual magnificence of a man she had hated for years.

Just shows how easy it is to separate emotion from sex.

One of the models came over with a glass of champagne in one hand. ‘Hi, Jake, remember me? We met at a company party last year.’

Jake gave one of his charming smiles. ‘Sure I do. How are you?’

The young woman gave a little pout. ‘I was fine until I heard you got yourself engaged. No one saw that coming.’

Jaz was getting a little tired of being ignored like she was a piece of furniture. ‘Hi,’ she said holding out her hand to the model. ‘I’m Jake’s fiancée, Jasmine Connolly. And you are...?’

‘Saskiaa with two “a”s,’ the girl said with a smile that lasted only as long as her handshake. ‘When’s the big day?’

‘December,’ Jaz said. ‘Boxing Day, actually.’ Why shouldn’t she make Jake squirm a bit while she had the chance? ‘We’re hoping for a white wedding in every sense of the word.’

Jake waited until the model had moved on before he leaned down close to Jaz’s ear. ‘Boxing Day?’

Jaz looked up at him with a winsome smile. ‘I quite fancy the idea of a Christmas wedding. The family will already be gathered so it would be awfully convenient for everyone, don’t you think?’

He smiled but it got only as far as his mouth, and that was probably only for the benefit of others who were looking at them. ‘Don’t overplay it,’ he said in an undertone only she could hear.

Jaz kept her smile in place. ‘You didn’t remember that girl, did you?’

A frown pulled at his brow. ‘Why’s that an issue for you?’