What’s not to like? What parents wouldn’t be proud to have her as their daughter-in-law? She was smart and funny, and sweet when she let her guard down. His parents were delighted with their ‘engagement’. He hadn’t figured out yet how he was going to tell them when it was over. They would probably never speak to him again. ‘Do you really want to take Myles back?’

Her chin came up. ‘Of course.’

‘What if he doesn’t want to come back?’

She averted her gaze. ‘I deal with that if it happens.’

Jake looked at her for a long beat. ‘You’re not in love with him.’

Her eyes flashed back to his. ‘And you know this how?’

‘Because you’re more concerned about what other people think of you than what he does. That’s what this thing between us is all about. You’re trying to save face, not your relationship.’

She flattened her lips so much they disappeared inside her mouth. ‘I know what I’m doing. I know Myles better than anyone.’

‘If you know him so well why haven’t you told him about that night?’

She flinched as if he had struck her. But then she pulled herself upright as if her spinal column were filling with concrete. ‘Thank you for dinner,’ she said. ‘Good night.’

‘Jaz, wait—’

But the only response he got was the door being slammed in his face.

* * *

Jaz was at the boutique the next morning when Miranda came in carrying coffee and muffins. ‘I thought I’d drop in to start the ball rolling on my wed—’ Miranda said, but stopped short when her gaze went to Jaz’s ring hand. ‘Oh, my God. Did Jake buy that for you?’

‘Yes, but it’s just for show.’

Miranda snatched up Jaz’s hand and turned it every which way to see how the light danced off the diamonds. ‘Wow. I didn’t realise he had such good taste in rings and in women.’

Jaz gave her a speaking look. ‘You do realise none of this is for real?’

Miranda’s eyes twinkled. ‘So you both say, but I was just at Jake’s office and he’s like a bear with a sore paw. Did you guys have a tiff?’

‘That’s nothing out of the normal,’ Jaz said, taking her coffee out of the cardboard holder.

Miranda cocked her head like an inquisitive bird. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing. We just argued...about stuff.’

‘All couples argue,’ Miranda said. ‘It’s normal and healthy.’

‘We’re not a couple,’ Jaz said. ‘We’re an act.’

Miranda frowned. ‘You’re not seriously still thinking of going back to Myles?’

Jaz pushed back from her work table. ‘That’s the plan.’

‘It’s a dumb plan,’ Miranda said. ‘A stupid plan that’s totally wrong for you and for Myles. Can’t you see that? You’re not in love with him. You’re in love with Jake.’

Jaz laughed. ‘No, I’m not. I’m not that much of a fool.’

‘I think he’s in love with you.’

Jaz frowned. ‘What makes you think that?’

‘He bought you that ring for one thing,’ Miranda said. ‘Look at it. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen—apart from my own, of course.’

‘It’s just a prop.’

‘A jolly expensive one.’ Miranda leaned over the counter and lifted the scarf Jaz had tied around her neck. ‘Aha! I knew it. More diamonds. That brother of mine has got it so bad.’

‘It’s a goodwill gesture,’ Jaz said. ‘I helped him nail an important business deal last night.’

Miranda stood back with a grin. ‘Has he sent you flowers?’

Just then the bell at the back of the door pinged and in came a deliveryman with an armful of long-stemmed snow-white roses tied with a black satin ribbon. ‘Delivery for Miss Jasmine Connolly.’

‘I’ll take that as a yes,’ Miranda said once the deliveryman had left.

‘They might be from Myles,’ Jaz said. Not that Myles had ever bought flowers in the past. He thought they were a waste of money—ironic, given he had more money than most people ever dreamed of having.

‘Read the card.’

Jaz gave her a brooding look as she unpinned the velum envelope from the arrangement. She took out the card and read the message: I’m sorry. Jake.

‘They’re from Jake, aren’t they?’ Miranda said.

‘Yes, but—’

Miranda snatched the card out of Jaz’s hand. ‘Oh, how sweet! He’s saying sorry. Gosh, only a man in love does that.’

‘Or a man in the wrong.’