Ok calm down Cristina, be logical for a moment, if you can.

I'll meet him as arranged. The cafe will be crowded. We'll get drinks, talk and then I'll leave. That'll be enough to prove to Sally that I'm serious. No need to tell her that I'm terrified at the prospect of meeting someone new. And afraid that if I do meet a good man I'll just blow it like I did with Greg. I can be such an idiot, such a complete idiot.

I wonder what Greg is doing these days? Maybe I should call him to see how he is. It's been over two months since we last talked. Strange not talking to him anymore. I hope he's not, I mean, I wonder if he's met someone. Probably has. Girls always liked him. He's good looking, successful and a great guy. What girl wouldn't like him?

Enough. Listen up Cristina. Greg is gone. It's over. Time to move on. Sally is right, it is time to move on and with a helpful push from her maybe I can meet someone new.

Ok new plan. Meet that guy tomorrow for a quick date. Treat it as practice and aim to be out of that cafe within 40 minutes. Surely that's doable. Meet the guy, have a chat, make small talk for a while and thank him for the date. Easy. Say goodbye and promise to email him at the site. When I get back to him I'll say it was great meeting him but he's not my type.

I can do that. (I think)

* * *

On Monday evening Cristina was gingerly rushing over cobble stones in her heels when her phone rang. "Are you there yet Cristina? Is he ok, need me to rescue you?" Sally asked.

"Oh hi Sally, look I'm running late. I don't have time to talk. I was supposed to meet that guy at 6 and I'm already 15 minutes late. I'll call you later, ok?"

"Ok darling, hurry, hurry. Good luck. Talk later, bye."

"Bye," Cristina rushed on with a white carnation in her button hole, scanning the crowded street for a guy with a red one. Nope, don't see him yet. She dashed into the coffee shop and scanned for red carnations. None in sight. Oh God, he's left already. Why couldn't I be on time for once?

Cristina got in line to order a drink, feeling a little self-conscious, she put the white carnation in her coat pocket, then her phone buzzed again. It was a text from Sally - "not our Sunday coffee shop btw the other one across the street."

Panic swept Cristina's face as she dashed across the street and into another busy coffee shop, she scanned the room in search of that elusive red carnation. Nope. She was too late. Missed him. What was she going to do now?

"Hello Cristina, over here", a familiar voice called out. It couldn't be. Could it?

Cristina looked over and in the far corner of the crowded cafe Greg smiled back at her. He looked splendid in an perfectly pressed grey suit. Her heart missed a beat and she almost tripped before hesitantly making her way over to him.

Greg moved his briefcase from the seat beside him. "Fancy seeing you here. Good to bump into you, take a seat, let me take your coat, I hung mine up over here." Greg, ever the perfect gentleman hopped up to get Cristina settled in and kissed her on the cheek before asking, "Are you meeting someone?"

"Oh, thanks. I'm a little flustered I 'm afraid. I've been rushing around like a crazy thing . Late as usual," Cristina smiled. Pleased to have some company, and very pleased to see Greg. "Ah, no I'm not meeting someone, I mean, I was supposed to be but I got here too late."

"Hey, relax, I'll be right back with a drink. Black coffee with a small dash of milk and one sugar, same as usual." Greg announced, Cristina smiled back at him.

Over coffee Greg and Cristina caught up. And they talked like they never had back when they were together. Greg talked about his fears and about the void in his life since they parted. He hadn't been dating but he was about to start. He hadn't felt like it. And anyway he had recently got promoted to partner. He was the youngest partner in the law firm and the bump in salary was great but the pressure was unrelenting. He talked about a lack of purpose these days.

Cristina sat close to Greg to hear him above the noise of the after work chit chat that filled the crowded cafe. She had never seen him open his heart to her like this before. He had matured. Something had definitely changed. She started to feel that old chemistry they always had. She knew what he was going to say before he said it and chose not to finish his sentences like she always did before. She listened, really listened and he talked with his complete attention on her, like she was the only one in the room.

"So, anyway, enough about me, what's new with you?" Greg asked. "You look beautiful, I see you have a new look, It really suits you."

"Oh thanks, it's nothing, I just got a few new clothes."

Greg looked closely at Cristina. "It's not just that, your hair is different, a little longer, and, you have new ear rings. Very elegant. "

Lisa felt a warm flush and almost blushed but she stopped herself before the glow reached her face. Okay, be professional, be friendly and stay in touch. That's it. That dating site guy is still a possibility but Greg is a ghost from the past. Keep some perspective. But still Cristina couldn't ignore the chemistry. At least they could start being good friends. It'll be weird seeing him with a girlfriend. It's just a matter of time. Need to be ready for that.

"So, you seeing anyone Cristina?"

"Not at all. Greg, I know this is going to sound weird but I had a date planned for tonight but it didn't happen. I was late and I missed him. It would have been my first date since us."

"Oh well, his loss, my gain. It's great to see you again. Well, that's two coincidences today in that case. I had a date for tonight but she never showed up. And you won't believe this, I arranged it on a dating site. Her photo was terrible I couldn't really make out what she would look like in person so we arranged to wear carnations so we could spot each other."

Cristina's pulse burst into song and she gripped the table. She raised her voice.

"What? You must be having a laugh? Did Sally set this whole thing up with you? This isn't funny Greg. I mean it. It has taken me ages to get over you and now this. If this is your idea of a joke it's a very sick one indeed. I never expected you to stoop so low. You should be ashamed of yourself." Red in the face, Cristina gulped some coffee and slammed the cup back onto the saucer.

Greg took a deep breath and sat back. He never minded when Cristina lost her cool but it had been a while. He calmly responded, "What are you talking about? Who is Sally?"