"Yes, that's him alright. And check out this photo, that's Tim Mullerson, the top lawyer. And this one, that's Ed Hogart, the actor."

Sue looked up from the screen to face Jill, "It looks like you've been a very busy girl this last month. You sure don't hang about. So, which one will be the lucky guy?"

Jill grinned from ear to ear, "Right now, I just want to have fun, I'm out on the town 4 or 5 nights a week and I'm having a blast. I've met so many new people lately it's been great. And, I've had a lot of attention from the alpha males of this town so all in all it's been a lot of fun."

"I can see that. You're glowing, you look 5 years younger. I haven't seen you look this good in ages. Good for you, Jill. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you. And I heard through the grapevine that John, that cheating bastard, has heard about my dating frenzy. Apparently he's not too pleased about it. I told you I'd have my revenge, and yes, it's sweet." Jill laughed.

"Serves him right, Jill. He must have been crazy to risk losing you, he got what he deserved. Silly man. Sounds like you're better off, much better off without him. That's all I can say about this whole sorry matter. And I bet he's the sorry one now. Good riddance to that useless excuse for a man."

Jill raised her eyebrows and stared at Sue. "Hey, he's not that bad. He made a mistake and I'm getting him back and I'll move on. But let's not stick the sword in too far, eh?"

Sue nodded her head. "You're right, I got a bit too carried away. So tell me, when am I going to meet your new man?"

The smile faded from Jill's face. "It's not like that, yet. I'm just dating, having fun, showing those men I can party and give as good as I get. There's plenty of time to find a replacement for John."

"You go for it, Jill. Sounds like you have it all figured out. You're happy and you're having a ball. Obviously if I wasn't happily married I'd be out there with you."

"I know you would, Sue. To be perfectly honest, you're better off at home in the arms of your husband. Going out to the bars and clubs is fun but don't forget I'm 34 now. I look around and I'm one of the oldest women there. Some of the girls look like they haven't even finished school yet. I suppose some of them haven't.

"This is all a bit of fun but I'm under no illusion that I'll be doing this for long, it's just too tiring when you have a demanding day job. You know, it´s one thing living like this when you're 24 and only getting started in your career, it's a different story 10 years later when you're running a business."

"Of course, different ball game," Sue nodded.

Jill crossed her arms. "Actually, and I'm surprised to be admitting this, I've started to wonder if it was such a good idea splitting from John. Maybe I over reacted and jumped to conclusions when I should have waited before telling him to move out."

"You're kidding me, right? He cheated on you and now you've changed your mind and that's ok for some reason?"

Jill furrowed her brow and pursed her lips. "I put 2 and 2 together and got 4 but he says I got 5. These guys I'm partying with aren't like John. They're the kind of men who do cheat on their wives and girlfriends. That's why I'm starting to wonder if I got this all wrong. Maybe my own fears caused me to suspect the worst when really there wasn't a problem to begin with. I don't know, I just don't know what to think."

"My word, you have got yourself in a right pickle. What are you going to do?"

"Sue, I didn't tell you this but I got a text from John last night. He said he'd like to meet. So we can talk about things, I haven't got back to him. I wanted to ask your opinion before I did something stupid."

"There's no harm in talking, Jill. You've heard his side of the story before. If he has more to say it might help you decide if he is lying or not."

"I never did let him tell me the full story. I was so mad when I saw him leaving Sally's house by the back door, I told him to leave right away. I was just so angry I couldn't think straight."

"Jill, you owe it to yourself to hear what he has to say. Really, for the sake of one conversation with him. It'll be closure for you if nothing else. It'll allow you to move on and find someone better."

Jill looked down and played with her phone. "I guess you're right. I still find myself thinking about him, wondering what he's up to. When I come home I miss talking to him. I haven't got him out of my head y

et. If I talk to him and get closure it'll help, a lot."

* * *

It was 2am and Jill couldn't sleep, she had too much on her mind, and it was too late to phone Sue.

She flicked on the light, grabbed her phone and clicked on email to reread what she had written earlier…

Subject: You Won't Believe This

Sue, I feel like such an idiot. Wait until you hear what happened. I was in the front yard tidying up the flower beds when none other than Sally walks up to me. Imagine my surprise when she thanked me for John's help the day she and her brother left for their summer vacation. She said John had been a God's send when he offered to help them fix the kids' bikes. She even had photos on her phone with date stamps showing how excited the kids were to have their bikes in running order again: John's standing there beaming alongside them. With four kids and four bikes to tune up, John had helped them to get everything ready so they could get on the road before the rush hour traffic.

And yeah, the date on the photos is the day I assumed he was cheating on me at Sally's house.

I was speechless. How could I have been so wrong? And while I'm thinking that, Sally is standing there, so pleased to see me, and so grateful to John for all his help.