wo weeks. I'm boarding in 10 minutes so I'll have to dash. Great meeting you Jim, and I mean that, really, really great meeting you."

"And you Helen, talk soon, bye." Jim grabbed his phone and dialed Tom.

Tom took the call as he sped over the bridge, rushing to beat the traffic lights, he was running late for a workshop.

"Hey Jim, what's up? Shouldn't you be in Berlin by now for that techie conference with the boys in blue?"

"I'm on the way, I'm waiting for my flight to show up on the departure board. Enough about that though. Guess who I found? You'll never believe this but I just spoke to Helen."

Tom squealed. "You did? That's fantastic. Where does she live? So, that computer search eventually did the trick, wicked."

"No, Tom, I bumped into her at the T4 cafe."

"Get outta here, really?"

"For real, Tom. I'm not joking. I showed her the photo and everything, she can't wait to meet you. I gave her one of your cards, the cards I keep in case I meet a nice new age chick you'd like."

"Okay, Jim, this is a wind up right? Don't mess me about on this. I'll murder you if this is a joke."

Jim raised his voice. "Come on, you know me better than that. Honest to God this is the truth."

"Alright then, Jim. Give me her number, I'll call her right now."

"Tom, she was in a hurry to catch her flight so I gave her your card like I said and she said she'd call you when she gets back home in two weeks. Then she left. I didn't get a chance to get her number. Sorry, I should have grabbed it."

"Ok, no worries, I suppose I can wait another two agonizing weeks until she's back. So, what do you think of her?"

"She's absolutely stunning and she's warm and friendly. She's perfect for you. Don't mess this one up Tom. She's a keeper, and very bright, I think you two are very well suited."

Tom smiled from ear to ear as he drove. "Yeah, that's what I thought. There's something about her. I don't know if it's her voice or the way she looked at me that day but I just can't stop thinking about her."

"Yes, I know that. Look, Tom, I gotta go. I just wanted to tell you the good news. Catch you later."

"Thanks Jim, I owe you big time for this. You're not such a useless cop after all." Tom laughed and cruised to the workshop, he could be a few minutes late, it was no big deal. Anyway, he'd need a few minutes to wipe the silly big grin off his face.

* * *

Helen stood at the departure gate as the passengers filed onto the plane. The number was busy, she dialed again still no luck. One more go, no, still engaged. She switched off her phone and joined the back of the queue. Ah well, I'll talk to Tom when I get back, it'll be a long two weeks but I can wait if I have to.

Sarah will be blown away when I tell her the news. She won't believe it. Maybe now she'll start to believe in synchronicity and fate. She's been so supportive through all of this. I have driven her up the wall talking about this missing man. Well, soon enough, she'll get to meet him.

Helen took her seat and reached into her bag for Tom's card. It was gone. How could she have it lost it already. Oh no, this was really tempting fate. That's enough drama for one year. Come on, that card must be here somewhere. Nope, not there, not in any of these compartments. Helen sat back and sighed, how could I be so careless? What am I going to do now? Sarah isn't going to be too impressed when I tell her this. Oh God!

* * *

Tom ran a towel over his hair and grabbed his phone: one missed call. He didn't recognize the number, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door to meet Jim in the pub.

Jim was in his usual spot by the fire. "Hey Tom, I got you a drink already, cheers." Glasses of whisky clinked.

"Thanks, Jim. I could do with this."

"So, Tom, you heard from Helen yet?"

"Nope, it's been two weeks now, I haven't heard a thing. I'm kind of disappointed to be honest. Perhaps she changed her mind. What do you think, Jim?"

Jim smacked Tom on the shoulder. "I'd say give her a chance, she's been out of the country for a bit. I'm sure she will call. Be patient."

"I suppose you're right but I don't have much patience left as this point. I've used it all up. She better not have lost that card. Maybe she did or maybe she's just not interested." Tom stared into the fire and bit his lip.