Jim shook his head. "No, actually, that makes no sense whatsoever."

Tom tasted his beer and paused for a moment. "What I want more than anything is a special connection. I can't really explain it. It's a special feeling you get with someone. It's not just feeling in love, it's more than that."

Jim groaned. "Right, and you've found this before? I don't think so. Time to get real man."

Tom paused again and slowly scratched his chin. "I have had moments. I met a girl at the airport, in a cafe, we had a special connection, like I'm talking about."

"That's great, Tom. So when do I get to meet here?"

Tom gritted his teeth. "I didn't get her number."

Jim rolled his eyes and put his drink down. "You idiot. You complete idiot. Am I not always telling you to jump on opportunity when it comes along? God!"

"I feel like an idiot, I assure you. I do have her photo though," he passed his phone to Jim.

"Wow, she's beautiful. I'd feel a special feeling if I met her too," Jim drooled.

"Very funny, Jim. So, her name is Helen and that's her photo, she's a healer, that's all I know. I don't know where she lives but funnily enough she has a sister who lives here in Kew."

"Tom, London is way too big to find someone with nothing more to go on than that. Surely, you must have at least an idea of where she might be."

"I don't, honestly. I was hoping you might have some bright ideas, seeing as you how you work in IT support for the police. You're the closest I have to a real life detective," Tom joked.

Jim finished his pint and took a deep breath, "Tom, mate, even I don't have a clue what to do when there's no data trail. If you could provide me with some personal details I could track her down for you within 24 hours. Strictly off the record of course, we shouldn't even be having this conversation. And I wouldn't with anyone else. Seeing as how it's you I can make an exception since I'm quite sure you're not an axe murderer. That is, unless you learned some new skills in the jungles of Peru."

Tom smiled and smacked Jim on the shoulder, "Thanks Jim. I did have one idea. Can you guys do an image search to identify someone?"

"We can. Tell you what, Tom. Send that photo to my phone and I'll get back to you tomorrow to tell you what I'

ve come up with."

"Sending right now, Jim. Okay, good to meet up with you and thanks so much for your help with this. I appreciate it."

"It's nothing, Talk to you tomorrow, Tom."

* * *

Helen had enough. Six hours searching personal transformation training sites for Tom proved to be a complete waste of time. It was a lovely sunny day so she headed out for a long leisurely walk along the river by Kew Gardens. She lost track of time as she picked wild flowers and by the time she got to the Kings Arms she was debating whether or not to walk the long way home or to catch a bus when her phone buzzed a text. It was Sarah: "in pub, fancy a quick drink?"

Sarah looked giddy when Helen found her sitting in her favorite spot by the open fire.

"Did you enjoy your Sunday stroll Helen?"

"How did you know where I was?"

"I have my sources, you know, I have you under constant surveillance," Sarah laughed, "I was driving past and spotted you. You looked like you needed a good stiff drink."

Two red wines later, Sarah whispered,"So, tell me, meet any hot guys on that dating site?"

Helen crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "Not yet. To be perfectly honest, it seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm not so sure. Anyway, I went back to the site to log in and somehow I crashed my computer so I can't log in to check the messages. Actually, I can't even turn the computer back on, I think I need to get it repaired. I don't know what it is with me and technology, it just always seems to break."

"Not again Helen, people like you shouldn't be allowed to use computers. That's the end of the online dating for the moment then." Sarah grabbed Helen's arm. "But you still need to get out there, don't use this as an excuse to hibernate, ok?"

"I think I need a man break." Helen replied.

Sarah persisted. "Get out of here. You've been on an extended man sabbatical for longer than I can remember, for someone with so much to offer you are the world's worst dater, seriously. Anyway, it's your life, I've nothing more to say on the subject."

"What about you, Sarah? You seem exceptionally pleased with yourself. What have you being up to?"