"Why not Helen? Come on sis, what is it this time? Does he not have enough of that special energy?"

Helen frowned. "His energy is amazing, I never felt anything like it. Very pure, beautiful actually. The thing is we didn't exchange contact details. I feel like such an idiot."

Sarah punched her sister in the shoulder. "Oh my God, you must be kidding me. Helen, what are we going to do with you? After the spell of dating disasters you've been through you finally met someone good for you and you let him walk away."

"I know, I know, no need to remind me, Sarah. I'm sure I can track him down, so it's not that bad."

Sarah picked up her computer, "What's his name and where does he live?"

"Like I said, his name is Tom, I don't know his surname, and he said he lives in Kew, he could be one of your neighbors for all I know. The only other thing I know about him is that he travels a lot and he reads the same kind of books I like."

"Well, Helen, that's not much help is it? You must know more than that, surely."

"No, Sarah, that's it. We only had a quick chat before he dashed off to catch his flight. I never thought I'd be sitting here talking about how to find him."

"You're such a nightmare, Helen, really, I don't know anyone else who gets into these bizarre predicaments," Sarah put her computer away and shook her head.

"I know. No need to remind me. Look, Sarah, I need to be realistic about Tom. I'm never going to see him again so I better just get on with it and get out there to meet new people."

"Sounds like a plan. Surprisingly sensible for you, actually. I'm impressed." Sarah smirked.

"If I meet enough guys I'm sure I'll find someone with that special energy I like."

"Oh No, here we go again. Helen, you're doing my head in with this energy obsession. Don't you think you'd have that by now if it was meant to be?"

Helen shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, I won't mention it again. Anyhow, to change the subject I joined a green consciousness online community. It's the busiest site of its kind in the UK so it's ideal for promoting my healing workshops. And, get this, there's a dating section too. So, I added my profile yesterday."

"Good job, Helen. Sounds like the right place for you to meet someone. Any emails so far?"

"I've not checked yet. Let me get my phone, I'll see." Helen giggled when she saw she already had 26 messages. Maybe things would work out after all. Maybe Tom would join and find her there.

* * *

Tom parked his car right outside Kew Gardens and ambled across the road to the Kings Arms. Jim was already set up by the roaring fire with a pint of bitter. Tom ordered a Belgian lager and joined his best friend, friends since the age of 11.

Jim shook his hand. "What's up Tom?

"The usual. Lima was a blast. I just got back two days ago."

"Cool, so what were the girls like, Tom?"

"Stunning, I met a lot of amazing Latina girls. Absolutely stunning."

"So, you got lucky, I take it." Jim grinned and poked Tom in the ribs.

"Not at all, it wasn't that kind of vibe. It was spirituality and good karma. It's not like going to a night club, Jim," Tom laughed.

"Ok man, maybe I'll have to see for myself one time. Maybe I can sex up these gatherings you go to."

"Anyway, I'm still seeing Wendy," Tom confessed, awkwardly.

"You're not? But, Tom, I thought she was driving you up the wall."

Tom sighed. "She is hard work but I end up getting grief with any woman I go out with. I don't know what it is but I seem to have that effect on women. I seem to rub them up the wrong way."

"Yes, I've noticed that over the years. But still, why stay with her if you're not happy?"

"Jim, it's not that I'm unhappy being with her, it's more a case that I'm not happy, not as happy as I want to be, if that makes sense."