Her male companion smiled and put his hands through his long black hair. "I love Chiang Mai. I spent a month there last summer, it's beautiful. I'm off to Lima today myself. I'm quite excited about it, I've never been there before. I'm attending a course too. It's a shamanic wisdom training, I've heard very good things about it so it should be well worth the long j


Helen put her book down, "It sounds like we have more in common that just books in that case. I was in Lima two months ago. On another healing course. Healing is my thing, it's what I do for a living."

"That's interesting. I've not studied healing myself but a lot of my friends are into it. I'm more of a meditation and alternative world view person myself. In fact, I give courses on personal transformation."

"In that case, is this a chance encounter or is it fate? My life seems to be one coincidence after another." Helen giggled and looked into his dark brown eyes.

"Definitely a random event. You and I have nothing whatsoever in common. I'm Tom, by the way, very nice to meet you." The tall dark stranger laughed and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Tom, I'm Helen," Helen smiled as she felt the energy in his hand, she noticed a warm pulse she hadn't felt before in anyone she'd met and she wondered what it meant.

"Do you always travel so light, Helen? You don't have much hand baggage."

"Yes, that's me all over, very little baggage of any kind. Us successfully single healer girls don't need a whole lot. Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Too much information, sorry," Helen blushed.

Tom laughed, "Me too, I like to travel light, no need to apologize, the way of the warrior eh?"

"Something like that," Helen responded while avoiding eye contact. She forced herself to look away from those lovely brown eyes and instead stared blankly at her book.

Tom stood up and reached for his backpack. "Well, it was great meeting you. I must remember to get that book. Okay if I grab a photo of the cover as a reminder?"

"Sure, go ahead," Helen replied as she held up the book and Tom flashed a copy of the image onto his phone.

"Thanks. There's a great book shop where I live in Kew Gardens. I'm sure they'll have it."

Linda looked up and sneaked a look at Tom's eyes. "Kew? That's where my sister lives."

"Small world eh? I'm sorry, I'll have to dash. It was great talking to you. Bye." Tom grinned, grabbed his hefty backpack and dived into the crowd storming the departure gates.

Helen's eyes followed him and watched his back pack bounce up and down in the distance until he disappeared out of sight.

Interesting. Never met someone like him before. His energy is unusual. Very pure. Helen sat there, thinking, staring into space, she'd lost her interest in reading.

* * *

Sitting on the sofa in Sarah's Kew apartment, Helen and Sarah giggled as they both agreed a second glass of red wine was an excellent idea.

"Chiang Mai sounds wonderful Helen. You must take me with you next time. You simply must. Promise me you will," Sarah insisted.

Helen playfully punched Sarah's shoulder. "Of course, little sister of mine. I will. It's a deal."

Sarah countered with the question she'd been waiting to ask. "So, did you meet any nice guys over there?"

"One or two, nothing special though. I didn't find that special connection I'm looking for."

Sarah frowned and shook her head. "Here we go again with that special connection thing. Are you sure that's not just a figment of your imagination? I'm not so sure that it even exists in the real world, sis'."

"It is real, very real. I had it with Tom," Helen confessed before she knew what she was saying.

"Tom? Who exactly is Tom? You've not mentioned him before. Is he your secret Thai lover?" Sarah teased.

"I met him at Heathrow before my flight. We shared a table in the cafe, the place was packed so I let him sit with me. He's hot too. Tall, dark and handsome. And, get this, he teaches personal transformation courses," Helen beamed.

"Wow, Helen, he sounds like your perfect man. When are you seeing him again?"

"I'm not."