George moved closer, he squeezed Linda's hand and softly kissed her on the cheek, "You're wonderful. Honestly, I never thought I'd meet someone special after my marriage ended. I thought that was it, I'm too old to move on, too set in my ways to start all over again, but then you walked into my life and I haven't felt the same since.

"It was pure fluke we met in the champagne lounge that night. I rarely go out. And then when I met you again to buy the house I knew I couldn't ignore fate. It was just too much of a coincidence. For a hard nosed scientist like me it was hard for me to do this but for the first time in my life I decided to trust my heart. Thank God I did," George whispered.

"Tell me about it. I am the world's greatest over thinker. When I met you at the house I felt scared, confused and so happy all rolled into one. I couldn't stop giggling," Linda laughed. "This is the only way you've ever seen me, I can assure you this is not the way I usually am."

George spoke softly and slowly. "There is something about you, I can't quite put my finger on it but it's like I've already known you for years. That day when we sat in the library of the house, that's when I felt it. Talking to you is so easy, so effortless, I never need to explain what I mean. That almost never happens when I meet people. Somehow, you just get what I'm about."

"When you said you love the arts, you had me. That's when I knew I was in big trouble," Linda whispered, enjoying even more the now familiar warmth of his hand in hers.

"Linda, we're a great fit, no doubt about it. I'm so happy we're having this conversation. I was so worried I was expecting too much and that you wouldn't feel the same way. This is such a relief."

"Oh, me too, I'm so happy, so happy I met you, you turned up right on time. Dreams do come true, it's true, it's true!" Linda giggled. "Oh no, there I go again, what are you doing to me George?"

"Don't blame me Linda, I didn't do anything," George laughed and looked into Linda's sparkling eyes. "Tell me though. Now that you mention dreams, I'm curious. Do you have any dreams for the future? Maybe a thought that is always there in the back of your mind, something you'd always love to do one day?"

"Yes, I do have one secret dream. I've only ever told one other person about it, Karen, I tell her everything. You'll get what I'm talking about when I tell you, I know you will, I can see already there's a romantic side to my professor, a side of you that's adventurous and daring. A side that most people don't see. Am I right?"

"You are actually," George laughed, "But, come on, don't keep me in suspense any longer, I can't take it. What is this secret dream of yours? Does it include me?"

"It most certainly does, George," Linda whispered as their faces touched and they kissed, softly, finally, at last. George looked into her eyes and felt his heart soften even more. "I simply adore you Linda," he replied and kissed her again.

Linda whispered in his ear, "Now that I've broken my golden rule by kissing a client I suppose I can tell you about my dream..."

* * *

"It's a perfect day darling, look at that sea," George shouted from the terrace.

Linda skipped out of the open kitchen doors and kissed George firmly on the lips, "Oh my, the Caribbean is stunning today, simply amazing, just like my husband."

George put his arm around Mrs. Preston's waist. "I have some good news to report. I just got off the phone with London. The garden concert is on schedule. And by special request, they'll be performing that Bach piece you enjoyed so much in Vienna. I'm sure you remember that evening."

"I'm sure I'll never forget that evening, George. How would I ever have guessed you were such a good kisser? You don't look like the type. You are just full of surprises, all good ones of course. Any surprises lined up for me today? What do you have planned for me today?"

"Oh, I thought we'd take the boat and go into town. Go to that great seafood place you like so much, and after lunch, I have in mind a lingering siesta with my beautiful wife."

Linda hugged her man and kissed him again, "Am I dreaming? Are you really here, with me, in our plantation house, by the Caribbean, do dreams really come true?"

"Yes darling, dreams do come true, dreams come true but only when you dream with your heart," George held his wife and knew he was home, home at last.

Find Me, Keep Me

7 AM Heathrow Airport Terminal 4 Cafe

Helen dropped her back pack on the floor, placed the skinny latte on the table and sat down. She had two hours before the second leg of her journey and she was looking forward to reading her book. It was noisy in the packed cafe but she didn't care as she dived into the newly released thriller.

"Excuse me, mind if I sit here?" Helen looked up at the tall stranger and just stared at him. He had long black hair, a dark tan and a wonderful big smile. She guessed he was about 35. Someone like him could not be talking to her, he looked like he had just stepped out of a movie. She felt a rush of energy to her stomach and she felt lost for words.

"Is that ok? Sorry to bother you," he continued as he stood there with a heavy tray of coffee and sandwiches. He looked at the cute girl and wondered why she didn't answer his question. She looked to be about 32 and she was easily the best looking girl he'd seen all week. He liked her long brown hair, her slim figure and her light tan. She was just the kind of girl that did it for him.

"Yes, of course, please do, let me make some room for you," Helen croaked as she snapped back to life and hurried to move her empty tray to the table behind her, adding it to the debris of the previous occupants.

A little nervous and to avoid staring at him, she went straight back to her book, Helen was engrossed in the story, flying through the chapters when her freshly fed table companion spoke up, "Is that Harry Devon's new book? I didn't know he had a new one?"

"Yes, I just bought it at the newsagents before I came in here. I got the last copy, lucky me. It's great. So, do you like Devon's work?" Helen looked up from her book and tried to sound polite.

The man's eyes lit up and he moved forward in his seat. "I loved his last book. It really was a page turner, I was up until 4 one night finishing it. I literally couldn't put it down. That should be good flight reading for you. Where are you flying to today anyway?"

Helen's eyes twinkled. "I'm on my way to Chiang Mai. I'm taking a healing course and some time off to chill out."