George looked around the room before replying. "Right now, nothing comes to mind, I've stayed here many times as a guest on long weekends so I know the place inside and out. I'll get my accountant to talk to you later today and he'll do all the number crunching and prepare my offer. As far as I'm concerned this is a done deal. My only request is that we keep this between ourselves. I abhor media attention."

"Certainly. This is strictly between us. You can count on the utmost discretion."

"Thank you, Linda."

Linda looked up at the ceiling mural and marveled at the intricate detail. "This is such a beautiful house, it'll make a great home."

George's eyes lit up and a big smile spread across his face. "It is, I'm very excited about it, I have big plans for this place. I've accumulated an extensive art collection and it's mostly in storage, I need a grand house like this to put the paintings and sculptures on display in an appropriate setting to show them off.

"I'm also planning to use the garden for summer concerts. I'm involved with the Cambridge Philharmonic, this would make the perfect venue."

Linda's ears picked up and she beamed, "I'll be there in the front row if you do."

"So you like classical music, Linda?"

"I adore it. I'll be in Vienna next month for the outdoor concerts. I can't wait."

"I'll be there myself. We should meet up."

"For sure, it's a date, er, I meant, it's a deal," Linda giggled.

George laughed and stood up, "I'm terribly sorry but I need to get back to Cambridge for a board meeting at my new start up, my driver will be keen to get on the M25 before the traffic picks up."

"No problem, here's my card with my direct number, I look forward to talking to your accountant later today. Thank you Mr.Preston."

"Oh please, call me George," George laughed with a twinkle in his eye as his driver closed the rear passenger door before driving off into the afternoon traffic.

Linda leaned against her car with a silly grin on her face. She'd have to compose herself before heading back to the office or Karen would know exactly what was on her mind.

* * *

One month had passed and at last Linda was walking by the Danube, the sun warmed her bare shoulders and she looked fabulous in the white summer dress Karen had helped her to pick out. The dress made the most of her slim figure and she felt as good as she looked. There he was, she could just now make out George taking a seat at the riverside cafe. She walked a little faster and felt that flutter in her heart again.

"Hello George, we're both right on time as usual," she joked.

"Yes we are, great to see you again," George enthused as he firmly kissed Linda on both cheeks. "You look beautiful, Linda. Absolutely stunning. I've been looking forward to seeing you again for weeks. And you look even better than I expected."

"Oh, thank you. That's very nice of you, George." Linda tried but failed badly to contain her excitement. She dropped her purse and bumped into the table as she bent down to get it, nearly knocking over the vase of yellow flowers.

"Sorry, I'm so clumsy today. Better not invite me around your new house," she giggled.

George released his grip on the flower vase and laughed. "Oh, you must come and visit. I've put a lot of work into the house and most of my art collection is now hanging. I'd value your opinion. I have a few pieces I'm undecided about. Maybe you could help me."

"Certainly, I'd love to. How about tomorrow?" Linda flirted, surprising even herself. She never talked like this.

George smiled, "You know something, I've been thinking about you a lot lately, you made quite an impression on me. I have a very good feeling about you. And if I might be so bold, I 'd like to ask you out on a date."

Linda beamed, "I thought this was a da

te. In fact this is the first time I've dated a client so I've broken the golden rule to see you, so, yes, now that I'm breaking the rules, I'd love to have another date with you."

"Great, I'm delighted you said that, Linda. You see I don't have much recent experience with women, I was married for a long time. So, I hoped I hadn't misinterpreted any signals of interest. But for once I thought, what the heck, lets throw caution to the wind. Thank God you said yes."

George looked into Linda's eyes and moved closer to hold her left hand, "You're a very beautiful young woman, I haven't stopped thinking about you since we last met. The whole time I've been fixing up the house I wanted to phone you, to hear your voice, to have you call around for afternoon tea, simply, to spend some time with you.

"I stopped myself because I thought it would be inappropriate so soon after doing business together. I was delighted when I finally found the nerve to text you to see if you were still going to Vienna."

Linda felt her breathing quicken as she looked into George's blue eyes. "Oh, me too. I was looking for reasons to phone you, I drove past your house many, many times on the way to meetings but I remembered how important discretion and privacy is to you so I forced myself to remain professional. Professional at all times that's me. I'm so, so pleased we've moved on from that," Linda confessed, feeling the lovely warmth of his hand.