Karen paused for effect and continued. "Jo and you both think you're not at all cynical, you two call it having high standards. The problem is that since no man can ever meet those ridiculously high standards it causes you both to be overly critical of every potential mate you meet."

Linda bowed her head and sniffed, tears filled her eyes and she sighed. "You know me better than I know myself sometimes. I've never admitted this to anyone before but I know I can trust you. I've been flying on empty the last few years. It's like I've become a victim of my own success. On the surface it looks great. I've got my shiny new Bentley parked outside, my designer clothes, my shoe collection and the big house to keep all my stuff but there's more to it than meets the eye.

"I'm under constant pressure with mounting bills, salaries to pay and endless business functions to attend. As you know I never stop and I put on a brave face but inside I die a little every time I have to play the role. You know the one I mean - the happy powerful woman who has it all. They say it's lonely at the top. It is. Very lonely. Now I know why some people jump. At times it can seem like the only way out."

Karen piped up. "Don't worry Linda, it'll all work out. You're just over tired, you need a break, that's all. Even the super human need to let their hair down. You'll be in Vienna before you know it enjoying a well deserved break, it'll do you the world of good."

Linda took a deep breath and dried her eyes before replying. "You're right, as usual. It's not just that. When I talk about being lonely at the top I'm not just talking about at work. I'm alone in my life. Once I close the door after an evening with my friends, and they are truly wonderful friends, I'm alone. When I win an award or sign my latest big deal, I turn to share the moment, and, I'm alone. I really don't know how much more of this I can take.

"Sometimes I seriously think about selling this business and moving to the Caribbean. I could buy one of those beautiful old colonial houses and fix it up just the way I want it, I'd love to do that. I've worked out the numbers. I could comfortably retire and never work again. Money is no longer an issue. I know it sounds like a pipe dream but I could do it. There is nothing keeping me in London other than this daily slog. Maybe it's time for a change, a big change."

"You know what Linda? Whatever you decide to do I know one thing. You'll make a big success of it. I've no doubt about that. But, there's one thing I've always wondered about you. I need to ask. Why haven't you ever applied your approach at work to making your love life a success?"

"I don't quite get what you mean by that. Explain!"

"I mean at work you know exactly what you want yet you're flexible about how all the pieces of the jigsaw come together. When it comes to dating however I only ever hear you talk about what you don't want and you must have it your way or it's the highway, so to speak."

Linda laughed and stood up from her chair. "Hey, you're right. I am like that. That's funny I never noticed that about myself."

* * *

Linda sat by the fire in her cosy living room thinking over what Karen had said earlier about her man cynicism. After a second glass of champagne she started to accept that yes, she had become jaded over the years. But what caused it? She hadn't always been like that, surely.

Oh yes, it was after she split up from Richard. Everyone had said they were perfect together. And they were, only she had wanted more perfect. She though she could and should do better. Yes, Richard was everything she'd ever wanted. He was kind, sensitive, a great lover and a loyal partner but she always feared she would get bored with him. Why was that? What had caused her to worry about that? Of course, it was his military like obsession with routine, it used to drive her mad. He was up at the same time every morning, ate the same breakfast and so on. Funnily enough though outside of his functional routines he was always up to something new and interesting. He was a strange paradox in that sense.

What was it that Richard had said when she ended it? He said she was too inflexible when it came to love. He said you can't change people, it's a package deal, accept the good and ignore the little details that don't really matter.

Of course at the time I thought he was raving mad. I even told him it was a ridiculous thing to say. And with that, he had loaded up his car and driven off into the night. I've never seen or heard from him since. Although I did see him interviewed on BBC a few weeks ago. He just took his biotech company public on the stock market. He's done very well for himself. Not just in business. In the interview he was accompanied by his wife. My heart sank when I saw her. She is stunning, and get this, she is one of the top scientists in her field in the world. I felt like such an idiot after seeing that.

So what am I going to do now?

With a fresh glass of champagne to enjoy, Linda scrawled The One on a blank page of her daily journal. The same journal that was filled with the gory details of dating disasters.

Then she scribbled down the bare essentials. He must be tall, in great shape, well educated and well spoken. A self made man not a trust fund spoilt rich kid. He appreciates classical music and enjoys going to the opera. He loves art and travels to visit exhibits. He likes to relax by the sea and enjoys hot summers and sunny winters. Of course what he must have more than anything else is a loving nature.

* * *

Karen burst into Linda's office and shouted, "You got it Linda. I just heard back from Tom the P.A. to that Chinese steel billionaire. He confirmed they want you to handle the sale of Mayfair House, here's the fax with the listing details. The place is massive. You were right, it is the largest house in London's golden mile."

Linda sat forward in her seat. "Excellent news. I knew it, I just knew he was going to get us to handle it. That's fantastic. I already have a few potential buyers lined up."

"One other thing, Linda. That guy George Preston left a voice mail earlier. And you won't believe this, he enquired about Mayfair House."

"What? How can he know before me that the house is for sale?"

Karen put the fax on Linda's desk and sat down opposite her. "Apparently, he's very well connected, he heard a rumor last night at his gentlemen's club that you would be handling the sale. That's what he said in the message."

"Well, I suppose the idle rich have a lot of time for gossip. Hey, as long as he's got the liquidity who cares eh?"

"That's the attitude Linda. No surprise you are the undisputed Queen of London property," Karen joked.

"Shh! Don't reveal all my secrets ok?" Linda joked.

"You look much better today, by the way, it looks like you had a good night's rest."

"Yes, I feel much better today, thank you Karen. Our little chat yesterday really helped. You're my angel, you know that don't you? You always seem to know the right thing to say at the right time.

"And you were absolutely right. I have become cynical about men and I hadn't even noticed. It had just crept up on me over the last few years after I split with Richard. It must have affected me more than I realized at the time, my stiff British upper lip didn't pull me through quite as well as I thought. Dumping him was a big mistake. I can see that now so I made a big decision last night. I'm no longer looking for Mr. Perfect. Now, I'm looking for Mr