“Well, we can’t have that,” she says moving past me to lay on the bed.

All I can do is follow her, taking my clothes off as I do.

Chapter 4


March 2021

Two years ago, I met the love of my life and married him the next day. It was a small celebration but magical, nonetheless. I thought we would have gotten pregnant by now with the amount of sex we’ve been having, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be then. I never thought anything was wrong with us, we’re both still young, but the timing was off.

Finally, we are celebrating two years of wedded bliss and I am so fecking excited to share the news I got this morning with him. It’s been a long road, but I am finally pregnant. I confirmed it with Doc Mullins this morning. I’ve been working all day, but I am glad to be going home. I moved into the flat above the pub with Kiernan. Mine was barely big enough to turn around in. At least here we can start to raise our family. I am so glad that I get to help out in the pub when I’m off and it’s the most fun I’ve had. It’s become a real family business. I spend a lot of time with Caity and Finola. Not only do I have sisters now, but they are my best friends.

After work, I change out of my uniform into some jeans and a Lion & Lass t-shirt and head back downstairs. Behind the bar, I throw on an apron and see what needs to be done. It’s early, only five in the evening, but we are packed. Saint Patrick’s Day is only three days away, but the pre-party is in full swing. Caity and Finola brought over some American traditions that the patrons love.

“Can I get a pint of Guinness,” Seamus O’Toole asks from his barstool. He’s a charming older man who has to be in his late forties. His salt and pepper hair and beard give him away. He usually has a woman on his arm, but not tonight.

“Coming up, Seamus,” I say as I pull his pint. “No lady friend tonight?”

“Nah, I’ve gone and fallen in love, but she won’t have me.”

“Who won’t have you, Seamus?” I ask, genuinely surprised.

“Aislinn Connaught,” he says forlornly before taking a long drink of the beer I slid in front of him.

“The new librarian?” I ask. She’s younger than I am, maybe eighteen. She’s tiny, like a mouse and not at all the speed of a woman he usually takes out. She also just moved to the village from Dublin. She’s only come in for dinner a handful of times in the two months she’s been here. Despite that, she’d be perfect for him.

“Da, there’s more than meets the eye to that lass,” he says.

“What are you doing here then? Go to the library and plead yer case. You’ll wear her down eventually,” I say laughing.

“She’s made it perfectly clear that she wants nothing to do with me,” he says.

“This isn't the Seamus I’ve known for years. Beer’s on me. Go git yer lass.” I tell him and off he goes after another fortifying drink.

“That was nice of ye, wife,” Kiernan says coming out of the kitchen.

“I have my moments,” I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“That won’t do,” he says, grabbing my chin and kissing me hard on the mouth, as always leaving me breathless.

“He was such a nice guy in secondary school.”

“You went to secondary school with him?”

“Yeah, I was third year when he was sixth year.”

“He’s five years older than you?” I ask. That puts him around thirty five or so.

“Give or take.”

“Wow, he looks so much older than that.” Interesting.

“Yeah, it’s the hair,” he says chuckling.

“Can you take a break?” I ask.

“Didn’t you just get here?”

“Yes, but it’s important.”

“Yeah, let me tell Simon. I’ll be right back.” He goes into the kitchen and comes back out a few seconds later. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. “So, what’s up?” he asks.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt. I wanted to tell him in a cute way, but let’s be honest that’s not our style.

“Really?” he asks. I can’t read his face. Surely, he’s happy about this. Literally every time we have sex he tells me he to take his seed and make a baby.

“Yes. Confirmed today. Nine weeks.” I pull the sonogram picture out of my back pocket and hand it to him. He looks down at it, tears in eyes, but he doesn't shed them,

“Nine weeks! Baby, this is amazing,” he says lifting me up and spinning me around.

“I know. I wasn’t sure it would happen. I mean Caity is already pregnant again and Finola’s baby is already walking.”

“Things happen when they happen. No need to stress about it.”