It was him. Theo from the beach.

Oh God. Theo.

The Lord of my O’s.

“You should have a sign or something on the wall about the door locking. Why didn’t you tell me when I came in?” His deep voice brought me back from my memories and it took a moment to register his question. “Are you going to answer me?”

My eyes met his harsh stare and it dawned on me. The Lord of my O’s didn’t recognize me.



Whoa, who the fuck is she?

Normally being locked in a cooler with a girl would be a good excuse for a chance to fuck. But, I was the boss now. I couldn’t screw my employees. Even if they were as hot as her. Hell, this little vixen with the copper eyes and cute, petite figure would certainly find her way into my personal spank bank. But, that’s as far as she’d ever get with me.

Who made a door which locked from the inside, anyways? Dumbest thing I ever heard.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at me. She looked like she saw a ghost. What the fuck was she thinking? And why did I care?

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Finding my employees irresistible wasn’t what I should be focusing on.

Getting the fuck out of here as quickly as possible before my cock got rock solid is what I should I be focused on.

This girl was trouble. I already knew it.

Turning to face me, she rested her back against the cooler door. “I did tell you.” Crossing her arms, she slanted her head at me, waiting. “Besides, who doesn’t know to leave the door open?”

Unbelievable. I stood with my arms crossed over my chest, looking down at her. “Are you blaming me?” I asked, drawing my brows together. “This isn’t my fault. There should be a sign or something.”

She laughed. “A sign? What bar uses a sign? It’s common knowledge.”

“Common knowledge? Says who? You?” Was this girl for real? What if we got locked in here during a busy Saturday night? She was a bit sassy, and it was really getting on my nerves.

“No, not me,” she said, pushing off of the door, “Anyone who ever worked a day in a bar knows.”

My jaw ticked as I narrowed my eyes, was I that obvious? Sure, I’d never worked in a bar before, but come on, how hard could it be? “I’m sure other bars have a sign, or some other way to know the door locks. What kind of company makes a cooler that locks from the inside? It’s stupid,” I said.

“All companies. I guess they want to trap people inside for the hell of it.”

“Yeah well, I’m making a call.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

I held the phone in the air watching the bars disappear. Fuck, no signal.

“What’s wrong, hotshot?”

I closed my eyes briefly, lifting my chin toward the ceiling before finally glancing back at her. “I have no service.”

“I could have told you that,” she said as she brushed past me.

“Well, if you’re so smart, how do we get out of here?” I asked, turning to face her, watching as she plunked her curvy ass down on a keg, her tits bouncing as she sat. The tank she wore had a huge caricature of a bearded goat drinking a beer and I cracked a smile as I glared at it. The way the shirt was designed made her nipple look like it was in his open mouth, it was bizarre.

“We wait for someone to open the door.” She ran her hands briskly up and down her arms.

“What if no one comes?” I taunted.

Her eyes widened in mock horror. “Well, I guess we freeze to death.” She smiled and all I could think was, oh fuck she’s pretty.