Relief swam through my system as I realized I wasn’t some one night stand he had a million times. The Lord of my O’s didn’t forget me, he thought about me too.

“I almost feel jealous of myself,” I joked as a smile spread across his handsome face.

“You have no reason to ever feel jealous of anything.” He gripped my hips with both hands and pulled me closer. “You’ve been a part of me since that night, and I was never able to let you go. I have you now, and you can bet your fucking life I won’t lose you again.” His eyes swept over me as a lazy smile appeared.

God, this man is sexy.

“Theo, you never really left me either,” I whispered.

He closed his eyes letting my words sink in. When he opened them a bit of mischievous fire blazed. He kissed me, pressing his hands under my ass lifting me up. Passion, want, and pure lust pulled me under like a rip current until I was drowning in the way he made me feel. My legs wrapped around him as he carried me down the hallway.

“What am I going to do with you, Penelope?” he whispered across my lips.

“Make me feel everything.”

And he did. He touched my body in ways I’d never felt before, ever. All night he kissed every part of me as I gave him more pieces of my heart.

When he pumped inside me, I’d never been more connected with any man before. It was scary and exhilarating all at the same time.

And when I lie in his arms, and the lull of sleep threatened to pull me under, I felt Theo’s lips press against the tattoo on my neck. I fell asleep with a contented smile on my face and prayed it would never go away.


The next morning, I met with my father.

I left his office despondent.



Reasons Why I Need Mr. Pardo’s Help

? I’m fucking broke

? Seriously his proposal isn’t too bad

? I’ll still get to be part owner

? If I don’t he’ll shut me down and I’ll have nothing

Fuck, this was hard. I contemplated my options as I sat at the Hard Rock Cafe in Bayside, near downtown Miami. I glanced at the beverage napkin on the table as I jotted down my options for even considering Mr. Pardo’s proposal.

? If I agree maybe he’ll see how serious I am about Penny

? I can’t be broke and take care of her

? I need this to work

? I can NOT fail

? Xavier thinks it’s my best option

? What other choice do I have?

? I need this to work for Penny

I heard the sound of a throat clearing and crumpled the bar napkin in my hands. Turning my head, I stared at a bald, squat man with the same color eyes as Penny.