Flicking off the lamp, I tossed a while until sleep finally pulled me under.

When I entered the bar, bright and early, I found Penny behind the bar, leaning over into the beer cooler with her ass in the air. Rooted to the spot, my eyes lingered longer than they should have.

Her heart-shaped ass begged to be smacked by my flat palm. Yes, exactly what she needed, a good ass spanking. Unable to look away, I watched as she stretched her tight body upright before she turned and saw me gaping at her.

“Oh, Theo. I didn’t see you there.”

“Right,” I clipped. “How could you with your ass in my face?”

She took in a sharp gasp of air before a scarlet stain spread across her chest.

“Why don’t you bend at the knees from now on, Penny.” Fuck. A vision of her kneeling in front of me raced through my mind.

Her pouty lips pressed into a thin line before she turned, setting the Samuel Adams bottles on the glossy, oak bar. “Maybe you should post a sign,” she muttered.

“And where should I post this sign? On your ass that’s always in my face?”

“Well, you’d be the only one reading it since you seem to always be staring at it.”

“Me, stare at your ass? No, not likely. It’s common knowledge you bend from the knees to pick something up.”

“Like this?” She lowered to the ground, bending her knees in a sexy squat before me and I couldn’t think straight as she slowly rose up from it.

We were standing inches apart, and my body buzzed with excitement. “I’m sure that’s not what they intended when they made that rule.”

She propped a hip against the wash sink and crossed her arms. “No? And just what did they intend?”

“To not stick your ass in people’s faces, I presume.”

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that.” Her eyes grew wide in mock horror. “Call the back police, there’s an ass in my face. Hey, look officer, there’s an ass right there,” she said, pointing directly at me.

I leaned in closer. “You think you’re so fucking smart, don’t you?”

“Maybe a little.”

“We’ll see how smart you are when your back’s broken.”

She laughed and the sound was like nails on a chalkboard. A really fucking sexy chalkboard. “Thanks, Theo, for always watching out for my backside.”

“Ok, enough sass from you. Let’s get to work.”

“Sure thing, boss.” She saluted me.

A fucking salute. My frustration with her grew as she smiled sweetly which was in complete contrast to her sour attitude.

“Today you’ll be showing me exactly what it is you do here.”

My plan was to watch her closely and find a reason to get rid of her.

After an hour of her showing me all the liquors and how to pour a beer from the tap, I realized there was more to bartending than I previously believed.

A group of women entered the bar and seated themselves right before me. Confidence coursed through my veins. I felt more in my element. Maybe I didn’t know how to pour a drink, but I sure knew how to take care of the ladies. I made my way over to the group of twenty-something year olds dressed in their beach wear and leaned an arm against the bar.

“Can I help you ladies?” I gave them a lazy grin and they giggled. There were five women in all, and each one ordered a Cosmopolitan.

“Penny, five Cosmos,” I called over my shoulder.

A moment later, Penny slammed a shaker, a bottle of vodka, triple sec, and some cranberry juice in front of me. “Here you go. Have fun.” She gave me a slight smile, which didn’t reach her eyes, and stalked off to the opposite end of the bar