“Now that you think of what?” she snapped.

“I really should do something about the mess on the carpet.”

“I'd clean it up myself,” she said sweetly, “but you've ordered me not to help around the house.”

Blake ignored her as he stood up and crossed to the open door. “Perriwick!” he bellowed.

Perriwick materialized as if Blake had conjured him. “Yes, Mr. Ravenscroft?”

“Our guest had a slight accident,” Blake said, waving his hand toward the wet spot on the carpet.

“Our invisible guest, you mean?”

Caroline watched the butler with undisguised interest. All Blake did was say, “I beg your pardon?”

“If I might be so bold as to make a deduction based upon your behavior of the past few days, Mr. Ravenscroft—”

“Just get to the point, Perriwick.”

“You clearly did not want it to be made public that Miss…ah…Miss…er…shall we call her Miss Invisible—”

“Miss Trent,” Caroline supplied helpfully.

“—Miss Trent is here.”

“Yes, well, she's here, and that's that,” Blake said irritatedly. “You needn't pretend you don't see her.”

“Oh, no, Mr. Ravenscroft, she is clearly visible now.”

“Perriwick, one of these days I am going to strangle you.”

“I do not doubt it, sir. But may I be so bold as to—”

“What, Perriwick?”

“I merely wanted to inquire as to whether Miss Trent's visit to Seacrest Manor is now meant to be made public.”

“No!” Caroline answered, loudly. “That is, I would prefer you keep this information to yourself. At least for the next few weeks.”

“Of course,” Perriwick replied with a smart bow. “Now, if you will excuse me, I will see to the mishap.”

“Thank you, Perriwick,” Blake said.

“If I might be so bold, Mr. Ravenscroft—”

“What is it now, Perriwick?”

“I merely wished to suggest that you and Miss Trent might be more comfortable having your tea in another room while I tidy this one.”

“Oh, he's not having tea with me,” Caroline said.

“Yes, I am,” Blake ground out.

“I don't see why. You yourself said you didn't want to have anything to do with me.”

“That's not entirely true,” Blake shot back. “I very much enjoy crossing you.”

“Yes, that much is clear.”