He gaped at her, then gaped at the holes. “Help?”

“I thought it only polite to earn my keep.”

“Earn your keep? It'd take you ten years to earn your keep after this damage!”

Caroline had been trying to keep her temper in check. In fact, she'd been mentally congratulating herself for remaining so level-headed and cheerful in the face of his anger.

No longer.

“You sir,” she exploded, barely resisting the urge to swing the shovel at him, “are the rudest, most ill-mannered man in all creation!”

He raised a brow. “Surely you can do better than that.”

“I can,” she growled, “but I'm in polite company.”

“You don't mean Riverdale?” Blake said with a laugh as he flicked his head toward his grinning friend. “He's about the least polite company I know.”

“However,” the marquis cut in, “I would have to agree with the lady on her assessment of your character, Ravenscroft.” He turned to Caroline. “He's a brute.”

“God save me from the two of you,” Blake muttered.

“The least you could do,” Caroline said with a little sniff, “is thank me.”

“Thank you!?”

“You're welcome,” she said quickly. “Now then, would you like to assist me in moving these plants to their new locations?”


James stepped forward. “I would be delighted.”

“You're too kind, my lord,” she said with a sunny smile.

Blake scowled at his friend. “We've work to do, Riverdale.”

“We do?”

“Important work,” Blake practically roared.

“What could be more important than assisting a lady while she's working in the hot sun?”

Caroline turned to Blake with a questioning smile and mischievous eyes. “Yes, Mr. Ravenscroft, what could possibly be more important?”

Blake stared at her in utter disbelief. She was a guest in his home—a guest!—and not only had she dug up his garden, she was also scolding him like some recalcitrant schoolboy. And Riverdale, who was supposed to be his best friend, was standing by her side, grinning like an idiot.

“I've gone mad,” he murmured. “I've gone mad, or you've gone mad, or perhaps the whole world has gone mad.”

“My vote's on you,” James quipped. “I'm quite sane, and Miss Trent shows no signs of derangement.”

“I don't believe this. I just don't believe this.” Blake threw up his arms as he strode away. “Dig up the entire garden! Add a new wing to the house! What do I matter? I just own the place.”

Caroline turned to James with concern as Blake disappeared around the corner. “How angry do you suppose he is?”

“On a scale of one to ten?”

“Er…if you think his mood would fit on such a scale.”

“It wouldn't.”