And then, as if the last bit of his reserve had been used up, he let out a hoarse cry and plunged forward, sheathing himself within her completely. “Sweet Lord,” he gasped. “Caroline.”

She couldn't fight off a crazy urge to laugh. “Oh, Blake,” she gasped. “I see the difference now.”

“Do you?”

“There's more?”

He nodded. “Just wait and see.”

And then he began to move.

* * *

Later Caroline couldn't decide which part she'd liked best. Was it the feeling of completeness she felt when they were joined as one? Was it the primitive rhythm of his body as he claimed her as his own? Certainly she couldn't discount the explosive climax she'd felt, immediately followed by Blake's shout of passion as he left his seed in her.

But now, as she lay in his arms, the ocean breeze caressing their bodies, she thought that this might be the best of all. He was so warm and close, and she could hear his heartbeat as it slowed to its normal, sedate pace. She could smell the salt on his skin and the passion in the air. And there was something so right about it all, as if she'd waited her whole life just for this moment.

But mixed in with her happiness was an uneasy fear. What happened now? Did this mean he wanted to marry her? And if he did, was that only because he now felt it was the right thing to do? And if that were the case, did she care?

Well, of course she cared. She wanted him to love her with the intensity of emotion she felt for him. But maybe he would learn to love her if they were married. She might be miserable if she married a man who didn't love her, but she knew she'd be miserable without him. Maybe she should just close her eyes, jump in, and hope for the best.

Or maybe, she thought with a frown, she ought to remember that he hadn't said more than two words to her since they'd made love, and certainly nothing about marriage.

“Why the long face?” Blake asked, idly stroking her hair with his fingers.

She shook her head. “Nothing. Just woolgathering.”

“About me, I imagine,” he said quietly. “And my intentions.”

She drew back in horror. “I would never dream of manipulating you into—”

“Shush,” he said with soft authority. “I know.”

“You do?”

“We will be married as soon as I can obtain a special license.”

Her heart leaped. “Are you sure?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“A stupid one,” she mumbled. Hadn't she just decided that she didn't care if he wanted to marry her just because it was the right thing to do?

No, that wasn't right. She did care. She was just going to marry him anyway.

“Caroline?” Amusement was evident in his voice.


“Are you going to answer my question?”

She blinked. “Did you ask me one?”

“I asked you if you would…” He paused. “No, actually I didn't ask.”

Before Caroline realized what he was about, he rolled over and got up on one knee. “Caroline Trent, soon to be Ravenscroft,” he said, “will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

If her eyes hadn't filled with so many tears, she might have actually chuckled at the sight of him proposing to her stark naked. “Yes,” she said, nodding furiously. “Yes, yes, yes.”