“NO!” Blake, Penelope, and Caroline yelled in unison.

James looked at them with interest and confusion. “Is something amiss?”

“We're just—” Penelope said.

“—a little—” Caroline interjected.

“—hungry,” Blake finished emphatically.

James blinked. “Apparently so.”

Penelope filled the ensuing lull by turning to James and asking, “Will you be staying with us, my lord?”

“I had thought to, yes, but only if there is an extra room for me.” He glanced over at Caroline. “I hadn't realized that Miss Dent was here.”

Penelope scrunched her brow. “But surely you realize that Caroline is only visiting for the day. She lives barely a mile away.”

“Father bought a summer house near Bournemouth just last autumn,” Caroline blurted out. “I'm afraid we haven't yet gotten around to informing everyone of the move.”

“Hmmm,” Penelope mused, her eyes growing narrower by the second, “I was under the impression that you had resided in Bournemouth for some time.”

Caroline smiled weakly. “We visited quite often.”

“Yes,” Blake said, thinking that he ought to do something to save the situation, even though he was quite furious with both Caroline and James, “didn't you say that your father leased the house for a number of seasons before he bought it?”

Caroline nodded. “That's exactly it.”

Blake shot her the most arrogant of smiles. “I am in possession of a remarkable memory.”

“Of that I have no doubt.”

There was an immeasurably awkward silence, and then Caroline stood. “I had best be getting home. It's growing late, and…ah…I think Cook is preparing something special for supper.”

“Lucky you,” Penelope muttered.

“I'm sorry?”

“It was nothing,” Penelope said quickly, glancing between Blake and James. “But I am sure one of our two gentlemen will be happy to accompany you.”

“That's not necessary. Truly, it's not a long way.”

James jumped to his feet. “Nonsense. I should love to walk with you. I am certain we have a great deal of catching up to do.”

“Yes,” Caroline agreed. “Probably much more than you would have ever imagined.”

The moment the front door closed behind them, Caroline turned to James and said, “Have you anything edible in your carriage?”

“A bit of cheese and bread I brought with me from an inn, why?”

But Caroline was already scrambling into the conveyance. “Where is it?” she asked, poking her head back out.

“Good God, woman, haven't they been feeding you?”

“Not really, and it's been worse for Penelope and Blake, although I have little sympathy for the latter.”

James climbed in and pulled a hunk of bread from a satchel on the seat. “What the devil is going on?”

“Mmmble nnn munchke.”