He had the grace to color slightly. “Once again, I must apologize. It is only that Penelope has been trying to find me a wife for years, but she usually limits her search to ladies whose families she can trace back to the Norman invasion. Not,” he said hastily, “that there is anything wrong with your family. Just that Penelope cannot know your background.”

“I'm sure if she did, she would find it unsuitable,” Caroline said peevishly. “I may be an heiress, but my father was in trade.”

“Yes, so you keep saying. None of this should have ever come to pass if Prewitt hadn't so determined to catch an heiress for his son.”

“I don't think I enjoy the comparison to a fish.”

Blake looked at her sympathetically. “You must know that that is how people view heiresses—as prey to be caught.” When she didn't reply, he added, “It really doesn't signify, however. I will never marry.”

“I know.”

“Still, you should feel flattered. It means Penny must like you very much.”

Caroline just gave him a stony stare. “Blake,” she finally said, “I believe you are choking on your foot.”

There was an awkward silence, and then Blake attempted to patch things up by saying, “Mrs. Mickle refused to prepare any food unless she knew you were here.”

“Yes, I surmised as much. She's very sweet.”

“That is not quite the adjective I would use to describe her, but I can see where you might think so.”

There was yet another uncomfortable silence, and this time Caroline broke it. “I understand your brother had a daughter recently.”

“Yes, his fourth.”

“You must be delighted.”

He looked at her sharply. “Why would you say that?”

“I should think it would be lovely to have a niece. Of course, as an only child I shall never be an aunt.” Her gaze grew wistful. “I adore little babies.”

“Perhaps you will have one of your own.”

“I doubt it.” Caroline had always hoped to marry for love, but since the man she loved intended to go to the grave a bachelor, it seemed she would remain unwed as well.

“Don't be silly. You can't possibly know what the future holds for you.”

“Why not?” she countered. “You seem to think you do.”

“Touché.” He regarded her for a moment, then his eyes filled with something that looked suspiciously like regret, and he said, “I do rather enjoy my nieces.”

“Then why were you so upset about the new one?”

“Why should you think that?”

She scoffed. “Oh, please, Blake. It's quite obvious.”

“I am not in the least displeased with my new niece. I'm sure I shall adore her.” He cleared his throat and smiled wryly. “I just wish she had been a boy.”

“Most men would be thrilled at the prospect of being next in line for a viscountcy.”

“I am not most men.”

“Yes, that much is clear.”

Blake narrowed his eyes and regarded her intently. “What is that supposed to mean?”

She just shrugged.