He halted in the doorway and turned around slowly, clearly irritated that he'd been detained yet again.

“No soup.”

He didn't even dignify that with an answer.

“My brother can be a bit grumpy,” Penelope said, once he'd disappeared from view.

“Brothers can,” Caroline agreed.

“Oh, then you have a brother?”

“No,” she said wistfully, “but I know people who do.”

“Blake really isn't a bad sort,” Penelope continued, motioning for Caroline to sit down as she herself did so, “and even I must admit he's quite devilishly handsome.”

Caroline's lips parted in surprise. Was Penelope trying to play matchmaker? Oh, dear. How impossibly ironic.

“Don't you think?”

Caroline blinked and sat. “I beg your pardon?”

“Don't you think that Blake is handsome?”

“Well, yes, of course. Anyone would.”

Penelope frowned, clearly not satisfied with that answer.

Caroline was saved from having to say anything more by a small commotion in the hall. She and Penelope looked up to see Mrs. Mickle in the doorway, joined by a scowling Blake.

“Are you satisfied now?” he grumbled.

Mrs. Mickle looked straight at Caroline before saying, “I just wanted to be sure.”

Penelope turned to Caroline and whispered, “My brother has the oddest servants.”

The housekeeper scurried away, and Blake said, “She wanted to be certain that we have guests.”

Penelope shrugged and said, “Do you see what I mean?”

Blake came back into the drawing room and sat down, saying, “Don't let my appearance put a halt to your conversation.”

“Nonsense,” Penelope said, “it's only that…hmmm.”

“Why don't I like the sound of this?” Blake muttered.

Penelope jumped to her feet. “I have something I simply must show to Caroline. Blake, will you keep her company while I fetch it from my room?”

In a flash, she was gone, and Blake asked, “What was that about?”

“I'm afraid your sister might have taken it into her head to play matchmaker.”

“With you?”

“I'm not that bad,” she snapped. “Some might even consider me a matrimonial prize.”

“I beg your pardon,” he said quickly. “I didn't mean to offend. It's just that this must mean she's getting quite desperate.”

She gaped at him. “Could you possibly be unaware of how rude that sounded?”