Sweetrush, a pet name for Tanaqui the weaver.

Talismans, charms for keeping the soul in the body made for King Hern’s army by Tanamil the Piper. Many centuries later Dalemark people still call pebbles found with a chance pattern of cross-hatching piper’s pieces.

Tally, the Lawschool term for its list of prizes.

Tan, a particle added to the front of a personal name to mean “the younger,” as in Tanabrid, Tankol, Tanamil, et cetera.

Tanabrid, the daughter of the Adon by his second wife, Manaliabrid of the Undying, who married the Lord of Kredindale after the death of the Adon.

Tan Adon, Young Lord, one of the names for Tanamil the Piper.

Tanamil, one of the elder Undying, whose name means “younger brother” or “younger river.” It is said that Tanamil was enslaved by Cenblith at the same time as the One and forced to create the Red River. There are many legends about him, some of which confuse him with Tanamoril, the mage-musician. Tanamil, however, is earlier than Tanamoril, for he is said to have played a major part in King Hern’s defeat of Kankredin, after which he is said to have gone to the Holy Islands, where he can sometimes be heard playing his pipes at sunset.


1. Moril’s full second name. He was called after his famous ancestor.

2. The name taken by Mage Mallard in his earliest disguise as a minstrel. Under this name he assisted Enblith the Fair to become Queen because, according to some stories, she was his daughter.

3. The name means “youngest brother” and also refers to both Mallard’s and Moril’s position in their families.


1. The second daughter of Closti the Clam and Anoreth of the Undying. She was a skilled weaver who made the two spellcoats which were dug up from the hillside above Hannart in North Dalemark. Her name is a punning one, meaning both “scented rushes” and “younger sister.” There has been speculation as to whether Tanaqui is herself of the Undying and, if so, is to be identified with Cennoreth the Weaver, but this is probably without foundation: Tanaqui was plainly a real person. See also Weaving.

2. The scented rushes that are nowadays rare, growing only in certain habitats in North Dalemark.

Tankol, otherwise known as Young Kol, head foreman of the mineworkers at Kredindale in North Dalemark.

Tannoreth Palace, built by Amil the Great in Kernsburgh at the start of his reign, to Amil’s own design, and still the royal palace although the present monarch seldom lives there. Amil appears to have invented the name Tannoreth himself (as he invented so many other things in the course of his long reign). It means, if anything, “the younger Noreth.”

Tanoreth, the “young bound One,” a name for Tanamil the Piper.

Tears, a potent magic. When Mitt weeps on an image of Libby Beer, he unknowingly invokes her protection.

Termath, the southernmost port in South Dalemark, the seat of the Earl of Dermath.

“The year’s luck to you,” the ritual greeting between Holanders on the day of the Sea Festival.

“This is my will,” a form of words used by a dying King to name the next King. These words had the force of law. King Hern, having named his son Closti as King, is said to have continued, “and it is my will that I name all Kings after you.”

Tholian, the name of several earls of the South Dales. After the last Tholian perished in an abortive invasion of the North a year or so before the Great Uprising, the name was discarded as unlucky.

“To tide swimming…,” the ancient charm of invocation to the Earth Shaker and She Who Raised the Islands, spoken as part of the Holand Sea Festival. Any who doubt that this is indeed a charm should note that the words go now and return sevenfold are thrice repeated in it.

Trase, Lawschool slang for a team attack at grittling.

Trethers, Lawschool slang for roll call, for which all pupils had to be present to answer their names.

Tross, one of the largest of the Holy Islands.

Trossaver, one of the Holy Islands, held to be the most beautiful.

Tulfa, the Southern spelling of Tulfer Island.

Tulfer Island, a large island some eight leagues off the coast of Dropwater in North Dalemark, closely allied to Hannart by marriage.

Undying, immortals. There are three kinds: