“Just what we’d have expected of you, Al,” said Mitt.

Ynen was quite unable to stay near Al any longer. He backed away beside Hildy and was glad when she took a chilly hand off the tiller and squeezed his arm so hard that it hurt.

Al seemed quite content to concentrate on Mitt. He laughed and waved one finger under Mitt’s nose. “You take my advice and go in for the double game. Do what I done. You can’t beat the earls, so you join them. Find freedom fighters, join them with the Earl’s blessing. Then bust them up. I done that all over South Dalemark. Harchad pays—wants information. Earls pay. Lovely life.”

Mitt felt his face being pulled elderly as he listened. There seemed no end to the similarities between Al and himself. He turned away from Al’s wagging finger and saw that Hildy and Ynen were as hard hit as he was. Their heads were hanging at wretched doll-like angles, and their faces were blurry. Mitt would have liked to say something—something rude to Al, at least—to cheer them up. But he was in such a blazing misery himself that he thought: Being nice is a high-price luxury. Why should I bother? He jumped up onto the decking and scrambled toward Wind’s Road’s bows.

“Hardest bunch of freedom fighters are in Waywold,” said Al. “Where are you going?”

“To talk to Poor Old Ammet,” said Mitt. “He’s better listening. He keeps quiet.”

“But the cushiest job,” said Al, as if Mitt had not spoken, “was in the Holy Islands. They don’t know the meaning of freedom fighting there—only I’m not telling Harchad that. I’m on to a real good thing there.” He laughed. “They think the world of me. And all because of my name. Did you know my name was Alhammitt? But I’m not telling that in Holand. I’d have half Holand coming and trying to set themselves up in style there.”

“Oh shut up!” Hildy whispered.

But Al talked on, until there was very little arris left in the bottle. Then he sang the “Ballad of Fili Ray.” It was about a man who was hanged.

“At least he knows what he deserves!” Ynen said. “Hildy, I know where I saw him before. He was in the Palace last week. The first time I saw him, he was with Uncle Harchad. The other time was out at the back, where Father was having those new houses built. Al came out and talked to Father there, I’m afraid.”

Hildy knew, by the dead, sick feeling inside her, that she had feared this all along. “You—you think Father paid him to shoot Grandfather, too?” If Navis had been expecting someone to shoot Hadd, it would explain his unusual presence of mind.

“I don’t know,” Ynen whispered wretchedly. “He kicked Mitt’s bomb away.”

“But that could have been because it wasn’t part of the plan,” said Hildy, and they both looked over to Mitt’s hunched shape beyond the mast. They were both quite sure Mitt would want nothing more to do with them now.

The song stopped. Al drank the last of the arris. Then he stood up and staggered toward the well. Hildy and Ynen, both thoroughly frightened, pressed back against the stern and stared up at his swaying, grinning face. There was simply no knowing what Al would choose to do next.

“Funny thing, guvnor and little lady,” Al said slurrily. “You look as though you seen a ghost. Another funny thing—I don’t feel quite myself. Think I’ll go and lie down.” He came off the edge of the roof and collapsed on his knees in the well. Neither Hildy nor Ynen could bear to touch him. They turned their feet sideways out of his way, as he floundered round and crawled into the cabin. After two attempts he got onto a bunk and was shortly snoring.

“The gun’s underneath him again,” Hildy said hopelessly.

They waited for Mitt to come back to the well. It seemed the most important thing in the world that Mitt should come and be friendly with them. It had nothing to do with the fact that they were both sure Mitt was the only one who might get the better of Al. It was that if Mitt disowned them, then they were disowned indeed. But Al snored for two hours before Mitt moved. Old Ammet was as little help to Mitt’s misery as Libby Beer had been, although Mitt reached out several times and pleadingly touched the stiff, salty straw of him. Mitt knew he would have to talk to someone. The only way he could think was aloud.

Wind’s Road’s movement altered. The dip and swing of her became shorter and stronger, though the wind was still the merest chilly breeze. Mitt knew they must be in coastal waters again. He jumped up, but there was still no sign of land. He hurried across the cabin roof to tell Hildy and Ynen what he thought, but when he looked at them, below him in the well, he wondered if he was going to be able to speak to them at all. Their searching expressions, and their very faces, put him off. Ynen’s nose had blistered in the weather, but it was still Hadd’s nose. Hildy’s two pigtails were loose and puffy, and wisps of black hair blew across her narrow cheeks, but the sharp, tanned face was like Harchad’s even so.

Hildy made an effort to talk about Navis. “I know what you’re thinking—” she said to Mitt.

“I’m no good at thinking,” Mitt said sadly. “Not like you.” It sounded much nastier than he intended. Hildy took it for a snub and did not go on.

After that none of them tried to talk about anything important, much as they all wanted to. The things Al had said were like a sore place none of them wanted to touch. This had a very odd effect. They found themselves chattering, and even laughing, about things that were not important, so that someone who did not know might have thought they were three great friends. They got the pies out again and picked out the parts that were still good. The rest—more than half—they had to throw in the sea.

They had just finished eating when Hildy exclaimed, “Seagulls!” White birds were bobbing on the water behind, riding high and light like Wind’s Road herself. Others wheeled above the well on big bent wings, each with a bead of an eye watching for more pie. Ynen looked at Mitt.

“Land,” said Mitt. “Can’t be too far off.”

They exchanged excited looks. Not only was the long voyage nearly over, but if they could reach land while Al was still asleep, they had a real chance of getting away from him. Ynen tiptoed into the cabin

and rustled all the charts there were off the rack above Al’s bunk. Al did not move. He tiptoed back to the well with them. Most of the charts, naturally enough, were detailed maps of the water round Holand, but there was one which showed the whole curved coastline from Aberath in the far North to the sands round Termath in the South. Just above the middle of the curve, there was the large diamond-shaped block of Tulfa Island, about thirty miles out from Kinghaven. Below Kinghaven was the wicked spike of the Point of Hark, dividing North from South Dalemark waters. Below that again, much closer inshore, was a scatter of small and large blobs that were the Holy Islands.

“We should recognize that,” Ynen whispered, pointing to Tulfa Island, “and I think we’d know the Point of Hark, too. It looks like sheer cliff. I wish we knew how far North we’d come.”

“There’ll be light on Tulfa, if—” Mitt began.

Al surged out of the cabin like a bloodshot bear. “What’s all this whisper, whisper, guvnor? Can’t a man sleep?”

The three of them exchanged baffled looks. “Seagulls wake you?” asked Mitt.

“You don’t get charts out for seagulls,” said Al. He gave the horizon the benefit of his bloodshot look, and seemed as annoyed as they were at finding no land there. “Fuss about nothing. Where’s the food?”