Macey allowed him to lead her off, but when he attempted to sit her at a table, she remembered the warning Chas had given her. Don't do anything in sight of anyone else, or we will be discovered. "I. . . isn't there somewhere private we could go? I don't think I want my first time to be here. " She gave him a shy look. "In front of people. "

"Why of course. " His eyes gleamed with pleasure, leaving her uncertain as to whether it had always been his plan to get her alone, or whether he was merely delighted with an unexpected turn of events.

Conscious of the extra stake strapped to a thigh beneath her skirt, and of the long chain holding a silver cross beneath her frock, Macey went willingly with her escort. When they neared Alvisi, she angled her face down in order to keep from being recognized. Her slick vampire guide led her through an exit at the far end of the club, and beyond it was a small hallway studded with more doors.

A brothel for the undead, where the customers-or, more accurately, victims-might or might not be left alive.

He opened a door and bowed her gallantly through, then closed and locked it behind him with an ominous click. When he turned, his fangs were at full extension, and his eyes burned unholy red. "Now then. " He advanced on her, no longer smooth and easy but openly intent. "Did you say this was your first time?"

"Yes. " Macey already had her stake in hand, clutching i

t behind her back as he shoved her toward the large bed in the center of the compact room. She tumbled onto it, keeping her gaze averted from his powerful, enthralling one as he surged onto the mattress next to her.

He held her by the throat, his body wedged onto one side of hers. "You surprise me, my lovely. I thought I'd captured myself a frightened flower. But I see no fear in your eyes. This could be even more enjoyable than I expected. "

Macey's stake was hidden beneath her hip, cloaked by the bedclothes mussed from her fall. He was intent on her bare throat and n" His mo


~ Our Heroine Unleashed ~

Macey didn't even need to think about it. She simply reacted, slamming her stake into the heart of the undead closest to her.

Her fighting arm jackknifed back, and she twisted away and down as his ash exploded. Temple's instructive voice singing in her head, Macey sprung back up, shoving the second vampire into the third one, and lashed out with her stake once more.

This time she missed, stabbing a shoulder, and her would-be victim caught himself and lunged toward her. On his impact, Macey flew through the air, crashing into the bed. Her breath knocked out of her, she rolled to the side and off the mattress, stumbling to her feet as she gasped for air.

The other vampire caught her by the arm and yanked her toward him. Macey lost her balance and fell against him, then hooked her foot around the back of his ankle. As he grabbed her by the throat with one hand and held her arm with the other, she used her stable foot to pivot her insubstantial weight into him. He staggered, but the hand around her throat was tightening and he remained upright as they twisted around in a macabre dance.

Black spots savior who carries the deepest tainthe- the mandanced before her eyes, and Macey found herself weakening. She couldn't breathe. Another hand grabbed at her stake arm-the second vampire-and she felt the sharp, unexpected pain of brutal fangs in her wrist. Her grip loosened and the stake fell from her fingers. She couldn't breathe. Her knees trembled.

She was losing.


She wouldn't.

Gathering all her strength, dragging in the little air she could, Macey jammed up with a knee, then, when the grip at her throat lessened, she rammed her forehead up into the nose of the undead. He howled and released her. She swooped down with her free hand, yanked the stake from beneath her skirt, and spun like a dancer in the arm of her other attacker.


Into the heart of the undead who was feasting on her wrist. Gasping, still weak with polka-dotted vision, she pivoted just as the third one recovered from her attack. He lunged, but she was ready and the point of her stake found its home-right in his gut. Blood spurted.

Damn. Missed again.

He grunted with rage and pain, but he was still moving a little slow. She ducked when he swiped for her, diving for his knees. Macey hooked her arm around him and pulled him off balance as he grabbed a handful of her hair. They tumbled to the floor, pain roaring at her scalp as he held on. But as he rose up over her, using his grasp on her curls to slam her head to the ground, Macey twisted to the side, jamming her knee into the side of his gut. Her arm followed and she slammed the wooden pike into the back of his torso. . .

And he froze.

Thank God.

She collapsed on the floor, tears streaming from her eyes, completely out of breath, room spinning. Then he exploded.

It was another moment before she dragged herself to her feet. Her head pounded. Knees and hands trembled. But she was filled with grim satisfaction. I did it.

The air was thick with ash-scent, and it clung to her eyelashes and arms. Some still filtered through the air like dust mites. Oh, damn.

She vaulted toward the door, flinging the bolt. In the midst of the fight, she hadn't had the chance to wonder what had happened-why the vampires had suddenly shown up-but now she realized. The scent of ash in the air had drawn them to investigate, just as the sound of gunshots would warn mortals of a threat.