Macey couldn't keep from reaching toward the aged, aged pages, then snatched back her hand before she touched them. She looked up at Wayren, who nodded permission. "The book belongs to you, Macey Gardella. If you choose to accept the call. Your name will be added on the frontispiece below that of your father's, where are listed all of the Gardella Venators who have descended in the direct line from-"

"Gardeleus," Macey whispered, remembering the story in The Venators. "The first Venator-a gladiator in first-century Rome. "

Wayren nodded. "He was called on a quest to protect mankind and rid the earth of the immortal half-demon creatures descended from the betrayer Judas Iscariot. Those beings were given their immortality-and an unquenchable need for blood-by the fallen angel Lucifer. " She tur

ned to the back of the book, showing Macey the writing there. "See you here. . . the list of all the other Venators from far-flung branches of the family, or otherwise brought into the fold: Max, Sebastian, Michalas, Brim. . . and the list goes on to the present day. Martinus. David. Ranetti. Alphonsus. And Chas Woodmore. "

When Macey touched the Bible at last, a shock of awareness, of vibrating, sizzling energy shuttled through her. Yes.

The word reverberated through her. . . not so much in her head or ringing in her ears, but within her. Yes.

Then she remembered the voice in the church: You can.

She looked up at Wayren, who was watching her with steady eyes. Macey was hardly aware Sebastian and Chas were still present; all of her attention was on the book and the serene blond woman next to her. She looked down at the aged tome once more. Something swelled in her, warm and full and peaceful. Certainty. Serenity.

"Yes. I'll do it. "

At her words, it was as if the room itself savior who carries the deepest taintiv7V gave a great sigh of relief.

Or perhaps it was something inside Macey, that part which had been waiting for the chance to blossom and grow into what had long ago been planted.

"Very well then," Wayren said, her gaze still calm and warm. "Sebastian, do you have the vis bulla?"

He handed the blond woman an ornate glass bottle, hardly larger than his thumb. Its cork was fixed in place by a melted seal that glinted, as if the wax had been mixed with silvery dust. The small bottle was filled with clear liquid and inside was a delicate silver cross suspended from a hoop that wouldn't even fit over the tip of her small finger.

Macey's heart thumped harder as Sebastian broke the seal. She noticed for the first time he was missing half of the pinkie finger on his left hand, the hand on which he wore the red-stoned signet ring. But she was distracted from wondering how and when the accident occurred when he opened the bottle. As he poured the contents into his cupped palm, there was a small puff, followed by a bit of steam.

Sebastian glanced at her, the wince easing from his expression. "One of the many hazards of my condition. "

He could easily have avoided touching the holy water, as well as the vis bulla. Macey didn't know whether he meant to show off for her-or Wayren, perhaps-or whether he had other reasons for exposing himself to the pain. It occurred to her then, also, that if he was a Venator, he too must wear a vis bulla. Did it cause him constant pain as well? The holy silver amulet against his undead flesh?

Sebastian handed the tiny cross to Wayren, who turned to Macey. "Steeped in holy water from beneath the Vatican from a font in the private quarters of the Venators-a place known as the Consilium-the vis is forged of silver. Every undead is repelled by this pure metal because it represents the thirty silver coins for which Judas sold Jesus. The amulet must be worn pierced through the skin in order to give the full benefit of its power. Only one who has been called to the Gardella Legacy, and who has also slain a vampire on his or her own, may wear and feel the effects of the holy amulet. "

"But. . . " Macey frowned and looked at Chas, remembering the offer to show her his vis bulla. "I thought you weren't Called. "

"I'm a special case. In more than one way. " His tone was slightly less caustic than usual, due, she suspected, to the presence of the mysterious Wayren. "Perhaps someday I'll tell you how I came to be here, in the twentieth century, when I was originally from a much different time. "

Wayren continued. "Chas is correct-there is that rare exception. If a mortal who is not born to the Gardella Legacy so chooses, he or she may attempt what is called a Trial. If he or she succeeds-and there have been many who tried and only six in all the centuries who have succeeded-then he or she is given a vis bulla. "

"With all the same powers of a born Venator?" your great-great-grandmothert -

"Indeed. There is no difference except the new Venator has actually sought the chance to become a chosen vampire hunter instead of being called to it. And he has accomplished a task that could only be completed with the help of divine intervention. "

Macey hesitated. But she had to ask. "What about my father?"

"Max Denton was a born Venator and an incredible warrior. He and his father before him. " Wayren gestured to the table in the center of the room. "Now, if you are ready, Macey Denton, I shall arm you with the vis bulla. "

Her palms suddenly sprang damp, but Macey climbed onto the table, sitting on the edge with her legs dangling off. "Where do you put it?" She reached for her earlobe, where many women wore pierced earrings.

"You may wear it wherever you wish, but most Venators choose to have it pierced through the upper lip of the navel. In that way, not only is it out of sight and protected from any undead who might use it to identify you, or worse, disarm you by tearing it away, but it is also very near the center of your body. Its power can more easily flow through every limb and elsewhere. "

"Yes. I agree. That would be the best. " Then, realizing what she'd just agreed to, Macey swallowed. Not only would it be uncomfortable, she would also have to bare her midriff in front of Chas and Sebastian. Her cheeks grew hot and, without meaning to, she looked at Sebastian. He caught her doing so, and, his lips twitching into a devilish smile, he held her eyes for a beat too long. His gaze turned dark and warm, like rich golden velvet. He didn't even need the flare of his glowing thrall to capture her.

Macey tore her eyes away, her insides fluttering with winged creatures, heat rushing through her body as she imagined his elegant fingers sliding over her bared flesh.

"If you will recline. " Wayren's direction was mild, but Macey dared not look at the imposing woman for fear she'd seen the interplay with Sebastian.

Instead, she hoisted her legs onto the table and lay flat on her back, taking care not to expose any more of her thighs than necessary. Fortunately, she'd worn a skirt and blouse today rather than a dress, so it was simple business to work the top free from the waistband into which it was tucked.