He looked disappointed, but placated himself with another piece of crusty bread and cannot fault.

Chapter FIVE

~ Of Venators and Vis Bullae ~

Macey thought her knees were going to give way, but she had the presence of mind to swing her handbag at him. "Get out of here or I'll scream. "

He held up a hand and caught her bag in . "Venator? Temple? Who are you?" Macey was still jittery, but her panic had begun to subside; he sounded familiar. She suspected he was the stake-wielding Chas from the alley last night, but she hadn't had a good look at him. Even now, he seemed particularly adept at keeping his face in shadow, with his fedora riding unfashionably low over his forehead.

"Let's go. We're going to give your friend the slip. He's not invited. " He flashed a humorless grin and, taking her arm, directed her firmly out into the cafe's back hallway.

By now she was certain her assailant was indeed the trenchcoated man from the alley behind The Gyro-that was why he'd seemed familiar when he walked into the diner. Temple knew him, and he was obviously another person who thought she was the mysterious Macey Gardella.

"I can't just leave him-"

"You're going to have to. "

"No. " She yanked at his grip, and to her surprise, she easily pulled free. "I'll. . . get rid of him. "

Leaning against the wall, he sneered, looking at her from beneath his hat. "A Venator with a conscience. That won't last long. "

Venator again. "Who are you?"

"Hurry, or I'll make a scene. "

She believed him. But even as she walked out on trembling legs to ditch Grady, Macey wondered whether she should go with Chas or not. Maybe she should ditch both of them.

No. I'd better go with Chas and clear this up.

"What took you so long?" Grady asked as she met him near the front door of the cafe. "You didn't have to primp for me, I already think-hey. What's that on your neck?"

Damn. She'd forgotten her scarf. Her hand whipped up to cover the wound. "Nothing. I have to go. I forgot I'm supposed to be somewhere. Thanks for lunch. "

"What the hell are you talking about?" Grady moved in, grabbing her elbow with his hand and, pulling her close to his side, maneuvered her toward the door. He was still staring at her neck, and his eyes had gone dark. "If that's what I think it is-"

"Problem here, miss?"

Suddenly Chas was there, blocking the way. Macey's heart lodged in her throat. He looked like a mobster: sharp and dangerous-and not in good humor.

A glance behind told her the attention of the cafe's occupants was riveted on the scene in the entrance. Two male customers stood and, grim-faced, began to make their way through the labyrinth of tablesWhere is she working?" sly toward them.

"Grady. I need to go," she said in a low voice. She'd already attracted attention once before. What if someone pulled out a gun and started shooting?

"Go? With this goon?" Grady looked from her to Chas and back again. "Are you all right? You don't have to go anywhere w-"

"It's okay. He's a friend. " She hoped he was, anyway. "Don't make a scene. I really do appreciate lunch, Grady. Thanks so much, but I have to go. "

She thought he wasn't going to move, even then. Macey could feel the tension zinging in the small foyer as the two men took measure of each other. They appeared well-matched in size and strength, crowding her into the small space, and neither seemed ready to back down. She could feel the battle of wills vibrating between them.

"Need some help here, miss?" One of the men who'd risen from his meal interrupted.

"No, thanks," Macey told him. "It's fine. " She looked up at Grady, whose blue eyes were cold and flat. "It's okay. Really. He's a friend. "

He muttered something under his breath. After one last measured look at Chas, he released her arm, stepping away just enough for her to slip by.

"Good Christ," muttered Chas as he ushered her away from the diner. "Next time can we forget the niceties and chit-chat? And you need something for that. " He gestured abruptly in the general direction of her neck.

"What I need is to get everyone off my case. There's a misunderstanding, and I want to clear it up. I'm not this Macey Gardella you and your cohorts keep talking about. "