At that moment, a dark figure came into view, making a wide skirt from around the front of the house. Appearing not to see her off to the side, he moved quickly, yet unsteadily, disappearing into the crowd of people. There was no mistaking it.

“Max,” Victoria breathed, her whole body going soft with relief. Then she felt jittery and warm. “Thank God. ” She stared after him, trying to determine if he was hurt or wounded. Where had he been?

“And so it goes,” Sebastian muttered, so quietly she wasn’t certain he’d really spoken. Then she realized she’d stepped away from him, toward the crowd of people. And Max.

“What?” Victoria looked back up at him.

His face was drawn and hard. His lips formed a humorless smile. “Ah, Victoria . . . don’t be a fool. He doesn’t want you. He doesn’t want anyone. ”


In Which Sebastian and Victoria Have an Uneventful Carriage Ride

The carriage rumbled down the night-dark street. The smell of smoke lingered inside, clinging to all three of its silent occupants.

Victoria sat next to Sebastian, across from a grim-faced, bedraggled Max.

But they were all weary, their throats and lungs skimmed with smoke, eyes dry and stinging, clothing torn and soot-streaked. Victoria’s thigh continued to ooze blood, and the scratches on her face still stung.

She’d had to fairly shove Max into the carriage for the ride back to Aunt Eustacia’s home, reminding him that they were going to the same place. Since he’d settled grumpily into his seat, arranging himself so that no one could sit next to him even if they’d wanted to, he’d remained silent.

Yet his eyes were not quiet. Still sharp, they scanned over her—yet never met her gaze—and Sebastian, then moved to stare out the window of the vehicle. His mask was long gone, as was the hat he’d worn, and the cape she’d teased him about. Stubble made his face darker and more shadowed. His eyes were sunken in their sockets, and his skin seemed to have tightened in the last hours. Those elegant hands hid in the shadows.

Sebastian shifted next to her, bringing a gentle waft of smoke and clove, and she felt his ungloved hand settle on her knee. Lightly, half pinned between their thighs . . . but it had eased there stealthily and smoothly. As if to keep from drawing attention.

Yet it was there. Warm.

He doesn’t want you. He doesn’t want anyone.

Victoria glanced at Max, who continued to watch out the window. Sebastian’s words had opened whole recesses in her mind. Had he guessed that the great weight, the awful, heavy mood that had settled over her as he encouraged her to come home had been from worry and grief over Max?

As she was turning to leave with Sebastian, knowing that there’d been no hope for anyone left in the flaming building, knowing that if Max hadn’t been in the house he would have been fighting with them, realizing that this time he had to be gone . . . h

ad Sebastian realized how empty and weary she felt? How lost?

Would she have felt the same way if things had been reversed—if Max was leading her away from a missing Sebastian?

And so it goes.

“Sorry to intrude on your carriage ride, old chap. ” Max’s curt voice cut the silence. He had shifted and was looking at them. Down at the hand on Victoria’s knee. “But my lady insisted. ”

“Where were you?” Victoria asked.

He lifted his gaze to her languidly, as though contemplating whether to respond. “As it turned out, Miss Sara Regalado required my escort. It took some time to extricate myself from the situation. ”

“You left with her?”

One side of his mouth twisted. “The lady was most insistent, and I do hate to disappoint. She had visions of reacquainting me with an old friend, believing that she’d be rewarded for doing so. However, I found the idea quite distasteful. ”

“So Lilith is here? In London?”

Max’s eyes gleamed with appreciation. “Apparently that is the case, although I cannot confirm it. ”

“And in what condition did you leave Miss Regalado?” asked Sebastian.

Max transferred his gaze. “As I usually do—quite distraught. ” His smile was pale and humorless in the shadows. “But nevertheless mobile. ”

“What about George?”