Henry left the hall, eluding a trio of pages and one of his men-at-arms who meant to accompany him abovestairs. He was not bound for his own chamber this night.

The corridor that led to Judith’s chamber was silent and empty. Henry’s heart began to pound and his cock shifted in anticipation as he approached her door. Once inside, he could bolt them in and take his pleasure all the night. Warwick would have no choice but to allow it…and mayhap after this night, he would no longer want the woman.

Aye. That would be it. Henry would give her lands to Warwick and keep her for himself. He smiled, adjusting the weight of his cock inside the vee of his hose, knocked on the door, then shoved it open.

His anticipatory step across the threshold was halted by the sight which greeted him.

A well-lit chamber it was. And crowded. Henry’s eyes bounced around like coins in a pouch as he saw Ludingdon, Mal Verne, Salisbury, Castendown…Canterbury. Mayhap a dozen or more men, all of whom he knew, stood in the chamber. He could not speak and all feeling drained from his face and body, surely seeping into the floor.

“Good evening, my lord,” said Ludingdon, stepping out from the crowd. His excessive height always annoyed Henry—and even more so in this instance.

“What is this?” the king blustered.

“’Tis obvious why you are here,” Ludingdon—one of his most trusted barons, a long-term friend and confidante—replied. His voice was firm, his eyes dark and

serious. “And methinks ’tis just as obvious why we have chosen to greet you thus. There is not one of us who wishes to believe our king and liege would help himself to our wives or daughters at his whim. Thus, we are certain the purpose of your visit this night is to extend your felicitations to Lady Judith. And for no other reason…despite any past…arrangement…you may have had. Is that not so, my lord?”

Henry looked around the chamber, meeting the cold, steady eyes of every man there. Every one of them were important, powerful men. Vital to him and to the stability of his kingdom. They swore fealty and brought armies and fought his wars and paid his rents. And in this, he recognized, they were united against him.

If, in this small matter they could unite against him…what more could they do on a grander scale if they were angered and betrayed?

Henry was no fool. He was not the most powerful landowner and ruler in all of Christendom for no reason.

“Indeed,” he said then, making a grand gesture that encompassed the chamber. “If the lady is within, I would be delighted to extend my congratulations to her on her new marital status. ”

With those words, it was as if a signal had been made. The crowd of barons parted, revealing the bed on which Judith sat. She looked at Henry, her expression remote and cool, and bowed her head regally. Just like a queen.

“Thank you, my lord,” she told him. “I am honored. ”

There was a moment then, when Henry nearly allowed his fury and desires to overcome his rational mind, but he quickly subdued it. “Blessings to you and Warwick, and many children to you,” he said.

And then, with one last cold scan around the chamber to look at each one of his audacious barons, Henry turned and left the room.

He knew when the battle—and the war—had been lost.

Judith had been nervous while awaiting the king’s expected arrival, but after her champions quit the chamber, her apprehension grew.

When a firm knock came once more on the door, she felt her belly drop alarmingly. My wedding night. My husband.

She moved slowly to the door, opening it with cold fingers, and was relieved to find Maris there. Behind her was Tabby, and behind her was a lineup of pages and serfs with a bath.

“Oh, bless you,” she told Maris and Tabby. “I have felt so out of sorts, being wed in such a state. ” She gestured to her garb, still the same simple bliaut she’d donned early this morrow when she expected to remain the whole day in her chamber.

“’Tis a shame you were forced to marry in that gown,” Maris told her, wrinkling her nose in tacit agreement that her attire was, indeed, an unfortunate matter. “But there was no help for it. But now we shall prepare you for a beautiful wedding night. Your groom has agreed to give us no more than a half hour, so we must be quick. ”

Judith was grateful not only for the companionship, but for the flurry of activity. It took her mind off Malcolm’s imminent arrival and made her feel less as if she were waiting like a lamb being brought to slaughter.

Maris must have sensed her apprehension, for shortly after she and Tabby helped Judith from the bath, she said to the maid, “Go you now—take your small zoo with you. A wedding bower is no place for a dog and cat, methinks. You may attend your mistress on the morrow. But not too early, mind you. ”

Tabby nodded and did as she was bid while Maris helped Judith dry. Her hair was washed earlier, so they’d pinned it up for the bath. But now Maris helped her take it down and let it fall freely about her shoulders, over her breasts and to her hips.

When the chamber door closed behind Tabby, Maris offered Judith a small bundle. “Since you did not have a pretty gown for today, I bethought you would like something for this night. ”

Giving her friend a grateful smile, Judith unwrapped a fine, shimmering swath of blue cloth. She held it up and saw that not only did the light filter through it, but she could see her fingers from the other side. It was very nearly sheer, shot with gold and silver threads fashioned into intricately embroidered flowers. Little more than a loose, flowing tunic that skimmed the floor, the gown’s shoulders were gathered together by palm-sized clusters of topazes, garnets and sapphires set in ornate gold.

“Oh! But this is too much,” Judith gasped. “Why, it must have cost a fortune! Maris, I cannot accept this!”

But her friend was shaking her head. “Nay, my love. The fabric is my wedding gift to you, but the jeweled brooches are a bride’s gift from your husband. ” Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “It shows the extent to which Warwick values you. ”