Judith turned sharply, not certain whom she thought would be there after her maid’s exclamation…but the last person she expected to see was the king.

“Your majesty,” she exclaimed, collapsing into a curtsy.

“Rise, Lady Judith,” said Henry in his low but commanding voice. “And tell your maid she need not have such a fit. ”

Indeed, Tabby was fairly prostrate on the floor, her breathing coming in short, quick gasps.

“Tabatha,” Judith commanded in a steely voice, unable to fathom why on earth the king had seen fit to visit her. “Attend to…to…aught…. ”

“What is this? A menagerie? Is that a rabbit in yonder cage?” Henry was looking about the tiny antechamber where Bear, who had no sense of the greatness in his presence, had hardly lifted his head when the king entered the room. Unfortunately, the kitten was not so uninterested, and she stumbled from her place next to the dog and meowed up at the muscular, auburn-haired man. “And who is this?”

“Oh, my lord, your majesty, ’tis naught but a poor little cat I was nursing back to health,” Tabby managed to say, scooping up the kitten just before she began to sharpen her claws on the royal legs. Her words came out in little more than a shaky whisper and Judith took pity on her.

“The men will be here with my bath any moment. Mayhap you shall meet them in the hall so they do not…er…splash water on his majesty. ” Judith turned her attention to the king, still stunned that she’d had to speak those words. “Your highness, to what do I owe this honor?”

Henry stepped into the chamber, the anteroom door closing partly behind him as Tabby went out through the main chamber door. He was dressed in informal clothing—a simple sherte and hose covered by a tunic, along with fine leather slippers. Nevertheless, his royal presence seemed to overtake the chamber, making the space shrink to just his size. “I just learned of your adventures this day, Lady Judith. I merely came to assure myself you have returned whole and unharmed. ”

Judith blinked and tried to hide her confusion. If the king made it his business to personally visit every one of his subjects when they returned from a journey, he would spend more time out of his chambers than in. “Aye, my lord, as you are well able to see, I am whole and unharmed. ”

“But for this bit of nastiness on your lovely face,” he said, reaching to touch her scraped cheek. It was more of a caress than an inquisitive touch, and his fingers lingered on her skin, brushing the curve of her jaw.

Her heart skipped a beat and Judith felt herself flush with heat and confusion. He was looking at her…oddly. In a manner that made her insides flutter uncomfortably. “Aye,” she managed to say, despite her dry mouth and pounding heart. “’Tis naught but the scrape of a pine tree trunk. I was…I climbed the tree in hopes of finding a baby falcon for the…for the queen. ”

“Indeed,” Henry said. His hand fell away from her cheek and Judith breathed more easily. “We do hope it doesn’t leave a scar. Such a beautiful countenance should never be marred thusly. ”


“You are very kind, your majesty,” she replied, curtsying again briefly. “And you are very kind to take the time to visit me here. ”

“’Tis of naught account,” he said. “Our queen is everything to us, and we wish only to ensure that our Lady Falconer is able to fulfill the request we have made of her. ”

“Of course, your highness,” Judith told him, a little spark of excitement flaring inside her at the name ‘Lady Falconer. ’ It might not be a formal title, but she would accept the honor nevertheless. Never had a woman been spoke of in such a manner. “And this day, I was able to capture two eyases. Surely one of them will suit for your lady wife. ”

“A pair of eyases? And mayhap we shall have a matching hunter for the king himself, then?” he said, his eyes glinting with pleasure.

“Indeed, my lord…if both falcons show promise. I vow it. ”

“Very well, then, Lady Judith. We shall leave you to your bath. ” His voice slowed and deepened on the word, and his attention skimmed the chamber. “And mayhap on the morrow, you shall tell us more of your adventures, and how you intend to train a pair of falcons for your sovereigns. ”

“Aye, my lord, and thank you for your kind attention this night,” Judith said. She swept into one last curtsy, remaining thus until she saw his leather slippers turn and his feet carry him from the chamber, then out to the antechamber.

No sooner had the door closed behind King Henry than Judith collapsed onto the stool near the fire. What was the meaning of such an encounter? Her heart was pounding and her palms damp, but Judith drew in several slow, deep breaths to calm herself.

She was close enough to Eleanor to have met the king many times, but even more importantly, to have witnessed many of his majesty’s various moods. He could be fiery and commanding, ruthless and violent…but he could also be wise and judicious—and kind and gentle, as he had been this night. He cared for his people in both England and France, and despite his thirst for power and land, Henry was a good king who was liked and respected by his most powerful barons. Judith’s cousin Gavin, Lord Mal Verne, was one of the men who had the king’s ear, and, along with Salisbury and Ludingdon, was respected by him as well. Among other things, they spoke optimistically of Henry’s plans to redesign the legal system and applauded his move to institute a jury of peers in most trials.

As for the queen…. Henry loved and respected his wife as much as any man in a marriage arranged purely for power, wealth and land would do, and together they complemented each other in the manner in which they ruled.

By the time Judith had walked her mind through those rational thoughts, her breathing had slowed and the uncomfortable fluttering in her belly eased. Clearly, Henry cared for the well-being of one of his queen’s closest confidantes—as well as the status of his own request of Judith.

A tentative knock startled her from her musings. “Enter,” she called, tensing again.

Tabby burst in, still wide-eyed and carrying the kitten. “My lady,” was all she said, looking around as if to see the king still lurking in the chamber. When she saw her mistress was alone, she said, “What—?”

“’Tis naught of your concern, Tabatha—the king’s visit. He merely wished to ensure that I was unhurt. But ’tis not something I wish to be gossiped about. Do you understand?”

“Aye, of course, my lady,” Tabby replied. Then her voice dropped. “No one saw his majesty enter or leave, my lady. I made certain of it. ”

“Where is my bath?” was Judith’s only reply. The discussion was finished.