Suddenly, just as she was turning away to join the group of men carrying the injured up to the keep, Madelyne had an idea. Grabbing Clem's arm, she spoke rapidly into his face, glad to see that he had seemed to recover from his rescue mission in the collapsed building.

"If the fire is not stopped, the whole town will burn," she told him. "It leaps from house to house, and we cannot stop it. Why do you not destroy the next two houses so that the flames have nowhere to go, and then they will be contained. "

He looked at her

as if she were mad, but then a dawning light crept over his face. "Aye, my lady, 'tis a good thought! It is too bad for those who live in those houses, but 'tis a better option than seeing them burn. " His voice, though rough and raspy from smoke, showed his enthusiasm for the idea.

She started to resume her walk up the path to the walls, and he stopped her with a brief, gentle hand on her arm. "Thank you my lady, and care for Lord Gavin if you can save him. He may not have the will to live, but you must infuse it in him, for he has traveled a long and hard road. " With that, he lost the remains of his hoarse voice and became encompassed in a fit of coughing.

Madelyne touched his arm in response. "I shall do what I can for Lord Mal Verne. And do you come to me when this is over and I will give you aught for your cough. " Then, she turned away and began the trek up to the keep.

It was she, his Madonna, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes. Gavin's lids were painfully heavy, scratching over eyes that were gritted like sand, but there was nothing wrong with his vision.

Her pale oval of a face reflected concern and determination. Its beauty was marred by a thick streak of soot over one high cheekbone, running along the length of her face to the chin, and tiny flecks of black over her forehead and nose. Wisps of night-colored hair framed her high forehead and caressed the curve of her jaw.

A sudden fit of coughing caught him by surprise and she immediately rested a cool, soothing hand on his chest as if to help subdue it.

She turned to the table, then back. "Drink this," she offered, slipping her fingers around the back of his neck and bringing a cup to his lips.

He drank thirstily, feeling the cool soothing taste of mint slide down his throat. When he drank, he smelled its camphoric aroma and felt his lungs begin to expand more easily. As the heaviness of his breathing subsided, he became aware of a throbbing pain on his leg, and a more subtle ache to his head. As if reading his mind, Lady Madelyne spoke.

"I have wrapped your leg with a poultice to ease the burn there. You have other cuts and scrapes, but I do not believe they are much more than nicks to you. " She smiled. "It appears that the ceiling landed on your head when it collapsed, and though it most likely aches, it does not seem severe. "

He crooked his lips slightly. "It seems that no matter what it is that befalls me, you appear upon my awakening to care for me. "

Her smile faded and she stepped back. "'Twas a foolish thing you did, Lord Mal Verne. Though you accuse me of attempting to take mine own life, you should make a meal of your own words! 'Twas naught but foolishness, rushing into a burning building as you did!"

"Foolishness. " Whatever tenderness he may have felt for the Madonna-like woman before him disappeared at her reprimanding tone. "It may be no great loss to you should a villein perish in such a way, but each life given by God is sacred-"

"Indeed it is," she interrupted calmly, her level voice somehow overriding his. "Including your own, my lord. If you had been killed for your rashness, would not the lives of more have suffered with the loss of their liege, their protector? 'Twould have been more prudent to have assistance in your quest, do you not think so?"

So great was Gavin's surprise at the concern clouding her eyes that he did not take umbrage with her pointed words. "I am used to taking such risks," he replied in his rough, scratchy voice. "'Tis my duty. "

Madelyne nodded, leaning toward him with a cloth that she used to dab at his pounding head. "Aye, my lord, 'tis your duty. And is it your duty to wish for death as you take those risks?"

Gavin stared at her, suddenly caught in the moon-like pools of her gray eyes. She was so close that her warmth and serenity covered him like a thick blanket. The cloth on his face was cool and soothing, and he was surrounded by the scents of mint and smoke and, beneath it all, woman. "I did not wish for death this time," he admitted, hardly aware of what he was saying, so strong was the sudden urge to pull her to him.

Madelyne stilled, as if she sensed his churning emotions. "Death would not become you, my lord," she said at last, brushing gentle fingers down the side of his face. "And methinks you would leave much sorrow behind you in this world. "

Chapter Nine

Madelyne pulled another offending weed from a patch of lavender, tossing it onto the stone pathway behind her. The day was beautiful, with a full, bright sun casting warmth over all the earth, and the scents of herbs and flowers carried on a gentle breeze. The garden at Mal Verne had long been neglected, and she had taken to spending some of her day among the calendula, peppermint, thyme and ladies mantle.

She'd been at Mal Verne for nearly a fortnight, and had fallen into a bit of a routine. After the fire, which had destroyed one portion of the village, the news of her ability to treat injuries became known, and Madelyne found herself in some demand for such tasks. Thus, she allotted the morning hours immediately following Mass to receiving the villagers and seeing to their hurts. Through Jube, Lord Gavin-as she'd come to think of him-had given permission for her to use a small storeroom built off the kitchen for her infirmary. When asked why the villeins did not seek the services of the town leech, Jube replied that news of her years at the abbey, and proximity to God, lent her abilities more credence in the eyes of the townsfolk.

After her time spent with the villagers, Madelyne was often approached by Mal Verne's steward, Jonnat, with issues that would normally have been handled by the Lady of Mal Verne.

The first time Jonnat came to her with problems caused by infighting among the seamstresses, Madelyne did not know how to respond. "How does the lady of the household handle such problems?" she asked in confusion.

Jonnat looked at her, confusion mirrored on his own face, and snapped his jaw shut. She saw him dart a glance around, then return his attention to her. "The lady-we do not speak of her within the lord's hearing. . . or otherwise. "

Madelyne barely refrained from rolling her eyes in frustration. Whatever the absent Lady Mal Verne's role in her husband's life, it seemed much too extreme that her name not even be mentioned within the household. However, she forebore to respond. Instead, she took it upon herself to visit the solar where the seamstresses worked. With a few pointed questions and some veiled suggestions that the lord would not be pleased to be bothered with such trifles, Madelyne was able to smooth out the problems and get the women back to work.

Jonnat was so grateful-for, apparently, he'd been unable to handle the catty, spiteful women-that he made it a practice to approach her with other such feminine related problems. Madelyne did not begrudge assisting the man, who was a bit elderly and prone to confusion when faced with feminine wiles. And having lived among only women for so long, Madelyne was well-versed in such conflicts-for even in the abbey, there was occasional jealousy and gossip.

Thus, it was not until after the midday meal that she found the time to escape to the chapel for some moments of reflection, and then to God's other home, the outdoors, to bury her hands in the soil and encourage the struggling plants to grow.

Since the fire, she'd seen little of Mal Verne himself. Though he'd been burned heartily by a fallen ceiling beam, he'd insisted on rising from his bed the following day-overriding her protests-and going down to the village to supervise the rebuilding of the burned out homes. She'd heard from Tricky, who had the information from Clem, that Lord Gavin had declared that no home be built closer than twenty paces to the next.