I was so looking forward to that.

His lips parted as if he were about to say something else, but his phone rang in the other room. He hesitated, his gaze still latched to mine, and then he put the jar on the counter before pivoting on his heel and walking out.

“God,” I whispered, turning back to the mirror.

Still feeling way too hot, I drew in another shaky breath. I really needed to put my shirt and my bra back on. That was the appropriate thing to do, especially before Zayne returned, but I stood there, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

I didn’t look like myself.

Well, the messy, half-fallen topknot was all me, but the glassy eyes, parted lips and flushed skin looked nothing like me. Another fine shiver danced its way over my skin as heat pooled low in my core. Zayne wasn’t even in the bathroom with me anymore, but I could still feel his hands on the skin of my back, along my sides to where just the tips of his fingers had grazed the sides of my breasts.

A sharp buzz hit my veins as I sucked in air, and a warm, pleasant heaviness settled over me.

It’s normal.

That’s what I kept telling myself. What I was feeling was just my body reacting to the touch of someone I was attracted to, and I was attracted to Zayne, but that was all, just a...a carnal attraction, one that I was positive wasn’t two-sided.

But if it were?

My breath hitched. That would complicate things, wouldn’t it? My body didn’t care about that at all, though. Neither did that primal part of my brain that was suddenly flashing images to accompany the memory of his bare hands, slippery and smooth against my skin, and those images were as clear as reality.

Zayne’s reflection appeared in the mirror, causing me to gasp. His gaze met mine in the mirror. “I thought you’d be dressed,” he said.

“I...” I really had no idea what to say as I turned to him, figuring the towel was more discreet than my bare back. “I, um, I’m still wet.”

Those pale eyes flared with wintry heat as his gaze dipped. “Really?” he said, and I swore it sounded like a purr against my skin.

My face burned as I realized what I’d said and how that could be perceived. “The salve—the salve is still wet and I thought I’d let it dry a little.”

Zayne nodded slowly as he bit down on his lower lip. Those thick lashes lowered, shielding his gaze.

“Who just called?” I asked.

“Roth,” he answered, and my skin immediately chilled. “He wants to meet with us. Tonight.”


The place we were meeting Roth turned out to be a restaurant called Zeke’s. We had to park in a garage down the street, and it was a little weird walking beside Zayne, wondering if any of the people we were passing on the street had any idea what he was.

I liked the restaurant from the moment we walked in. Softly lit, the interior was a mixture of exposed wood and steel. The booths looked comfortable with thick cushions and lush pillows. It had a rustic-modern feel that reminded me of mountains and Colorado.

Which was weird, because I’d never been to Colorado, but for some dumb reason, I imagined there were a lot of places like this in Colorado.

The hostess appeared to recognize Zayne. With a genuine smile and lingering gaze I couldn’t blame her for, she seated us in a surprisingly private booth near a large stone fireplace. There was a romantic vibe to the place that made me overly aware of Zayne and made me feel like I should be wearing something...cuter than jeans and a T-shirt.


I was comfortable and that was all that mattered.

The moment the waitress left after placing our drinks on the table—a Coke for me and a water for Zayne—I asked, “Is it okay for us to meet here?”

The candlelight from the center of the table flickered over his face as he nodded. “People that come here mind their own business.”

“Oh.” I toyed with the napkin as I glanced around. “Do they know what you are?”

“They know I’m a Warden, but they don’t know what Roth is,” he explained. “How’s your back feeling?”

“Perfect.” And it really was. It didn’t ache or throb at all when I made sharp movements. Pulling my hands into my lap, I glanced around the restaurant before my gaze found its way back to his. “Thank you for doing that.”

His chin dipped, causing a strand of hair to slip against his cheek. “It was my pleasure.”

A humming warmth traveled through my veins. “I’m sure there’re better things you could be doing than rubbing gunk all over my back.”

“You’re right. I could be doing better things with my time,” he replied.


The warmth vanished.

“But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t enjoying myself,” he added, and my gaze shot to his. A half grin played at his lips.

Before I could come up with a response, I felt the sudden increase in my shoulders. “I think he’s here,” I said. “Or another demon is here.”

A moment later, Zayne said, “I feel it now. Crazy how you can feel it before me.”

Zayne rose and moved to my side of the table. He sat beside me, thigh pressed against thigh. “What does it feel like to you?” he asked.

“Like a hot breath on the nape of my neck,” I told him, voice low. “And a heaviness in the shoulders. Same for you?”

He nodded.

Roth arrived, dressed very much like he’d been the first time I saw him. All black. He wasn’t alone. The icy blond demon was with him, his hair braided in pigtails, which looked weirdly good on him.

“I hope we kept you guys waiting.” Roth slid into the booth across from us, followed by Cayman. “And yes, I meant that just the way it came out.”

“We just got here,” Zayne answered, stretching his arm along the back of the booth. “We weren’t waiting long.”

“That’s disappointing,” Roth replied, his bright amber gaze fixed on me as he got himself situated. “So weird.”


He tipped forward. “I still want to touch you.”

My eyes widened. “You’re an odd, creepy demon prince.”

Roth grinned.

“Well, you still creep me out,” Cayman announced as Roth leaned farther toward me, one hand sliding across the table.

“No touching,” Zayne warned.

The demon prince pouted as he pulled his hand back. “That’s no fun.”

“Where’s Layla?” I asked, changing the subject from the whole touching-me thing.

Roth smiled tightly. “She decided it would be best if she sat this one out.”

I glanced at Zayne. There wasn’t even a hint of emotion on his face.

“Don’t you two look supercozy and cute.” Cayman eyed us intently.

“Do we?” Zayne murmured.

“You do,” Roth answered. “I like it. A lot.”

Zayne’s finger began tapping along the back of the booth. “I’m so glad to hear that, as I’ve been waiting on bated breath for your thoughts and feelings.”

Roth smirked.

“Did you guys order anything?” Cayman asked, scanning the menu. “I’m starving.”

We hadn’t, and I didn’t get the chance to redirect the conversation to why we were here, because the waitress showed up and took Roth and Cayman’s drink orders, along with requests for an array of appetizers.

When the waitress hurried off, I leaned forward. “Have you guys found out anything?”

It was Cayman who answered. “I have not so great news and bad news.”

I stiffened as my stomach pitched. “Okay?”

“I put my ear to every ground possible, and no one is talking about your Misha, about Bael...or about you,” Cayman explained.

“I don’t know if that’s the not so great news or the bad news,” I said, glancing at Zayne.

“It’s the not so great news. It means Bael doesn’t want anyone to know about it, and that’s strange, because us demons are the bragging sort,” Cayman said with a grin. “And I’m not talking about humble bragging like the Wardens do.”

Zayne snorted. “Two Hellions came after us last night. They were sent by Bael.”

“Bael has a damn army of Hellions at his disposal, so you should expect to continue to see them if he’s got them looking for you.”

“And what’s the bad news?” I asked, and Zayne touched the back of my shoulder, sifting through my hair to reach the muscles tensing there.

Roth met my gaze and his features softened a little. “No one knows where he’s holed up, but I think he’s the reason we’ve been seeing an increase in lower level demon activity. Since he’s topside, they’re going to follow.”

Zayne shifted beside me, keeping his hand on my shoulder. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that when we do locate Bael, it’s not going to be just him. He’s obviously got a ton of Hellions with him, but you can expect to see a lot more.”

“Great,” I murmured.

“And Bael isn’t known for his hospitality,” Cayman remarked, picking up his wineglass. “Not even when he’s trying to be nice.”

My gaze shot to Roth, and he lifted his shoulder in agreement. “But I know you already realize that, and you already know that he’s keeping Misha alive for a reason, which is backed up by your run-in with the Hellions the night prior. He’s using Misha to draw you out and sending Hellions after you.”

“They’re not going to get her,” Zayne said.

I shot him a look, oddly...complimented by the certainty in his tone.

“But this brings us to the portion of the weird news,” Roth continued. “No one is talking about her. There’s no whispering of a Trueborn on the scene.”

“Well, that’s not bad, right?” I asked.

“It’s not good, either.” Zayne’s fingers were still on the back of my shoulder, light but oddly comforting. “Because it doesn’t tell us what Bael is trying to accomplish here, other than wanting you.”