But he did feel lost as soon as Dakota was out of sight. He again tried to reassure himself it was only because of the current situation. If danger didn’t seem to be lurking behind every dark corner, he wouldn’t feel this unbelievable need to be with her twenty-four-seven.

The lights dimmed in the large room. Only the stage was illuminated now as a well-known host stepped out, a microphone in his hand. He announced a special treat for all the guests and asked them to sit.

Ace was much too restless to sit anywhere. He stayed where he was, with Cooper on one side of him and Maverick showing up on his other. All of them stared at the stage. Nick was sitting at a table with their wives, but even he was on alert. Nothing had been out of place the entire evening, but that still didn’t make Ace feel better.

Music started, and the curtains pulled back. Ace let out a relieved breath when Dakota sashayed onto the stage with the rest of the cheerleaders. Ace felt the tension leave his shoulders as he enjoyed their choreographed routine. The way Dakota could twist and bend gave him a whole heck of a lot of ideas he’d love to implement when the two of them were alone.

As much as he enjoyed the show, he was more than grateful when it ended. The night had gone off without a hitch, but he still wanted nothing more than to leave this elaborate event. Dakota was too far away from him. He wanted to get back to his brother’s place, where he felt a lot more secure.

Dakota stepped back out into the main crowd, and he wanted to break a few necks when people swarmed her, congratulating her on a beautiful performance and promising to write a nice, fat check to the charity.

She stroked egos and smiled, softly touched people on their arms, told each person they were special. Ace’s gut tightened more when a businessman got a bit too handsy with her.

“Not the time,” Mav said as Ace tried to rush in and stake his territory.

“That man is making a pass at her,” Ace growled.

“Half the men in here have been doing that with all the girls. They handle it well, and they are making a lot of money for people who need it,” Mav said.

“I don’t think you’d be so calm if it was your wife flirting for money,” Ace told him.

Mav tensed next to him for a brief moment. “Well, you have me there, but Dakota isn’t your wife, is she?” Mav pointed out.

Ace sent his brother a cloudy look before pulling out of his grasp. He walked straight to Dakota and slipped his arm around her back, staring at the man she’d been talking with. He didn’t punch him like he wanted to do, but he offered a forced smile instead.

“Ace Armstrong,” he said, holding out his hand.

“Eric Winters,” the man replied. “I haven’t seen you at any of these events.”

“You go to a lot of them?” Ace asked. He kept his tone civil, even though he was feeling feral.

“I believe in giving back, and I’m a huge Seahawks fan,” Eric said.

“I’ve become a much bigger fan since meeting Dakota,” Ace said, his hand possessively holding her perfect hip.

“Thanks again for coming, Eric. It’s always a pleasure to have you here,” Dakota said, giving the man her sweetest smile. It made Ace want to punch the guy in his perfect jaw.

Knowing he was dismissed, Eric told them both good-bye and walked away. “What in the hell was that about?” Dakota asked, no longer smiling.

“I missed you,” Ace said.

“You knew I was going to be busy tonight. I warned you before we left the house,” she said.

“I don’t like watching you flirt with other men,” Ace said. His own smile was long gone.

“That’s part of the job, Ace,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“You aren’t available to flirt with any other man but me,” he told her. He knew that was exactly the wrong thing to say, but he was leaving soon. He couldn’t call her his. He wouldn’t be around to ensure she would be.

“What gives you the right to enforce such a rule?” she asked. He could see that fiery temper she’d told him she’d often used with her brothers. Maybe

it should bother him more, but the fire in her eyes just made him admire her more.

“We’re together,” he said. For now, at least.

“Just because we are having a good time doesn’t mean I belong to you,” she told him.

Her words made him feel even more possessive. “You’re mine,” he said, his eyes narrowing. He didn’t even try to analyze where these words were coming from.